August 2006 Newsletter
“.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

Issue Date: August 01, 2006

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Text Box: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” [Matthew 10:8]

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This Month's Featured Email
----- Original Message -----
From: johnxxx@xxx.xx
Sent: Saturday July 1, 2006 10:42 PM
Subject: Testimony

I want to say thank you very much for your email on " I stand at the door and knock", Gods calling Individuals. This article greatly helped me, as I was recently really let down by some people I knew from a church I used to attend, as they came down hard on me for leaving that church, but I know it was Gods calling that made me leave there for a different good church. This article helped me look to Jesus, and to quit feeling bad about what other people think about me and my decisions. I have a lot more peace now, and I am ready to let Jesus become more in my life as I will begin seeking Him much more. Thanks and God bless!

Sincerely in Christ,

Bro. John

----- Original Message -----
From: msatidxxxx@xxx
Sent: Wednesday July 5, 2006 3:46 PM
Subject: Question/Comment
May God bless you for the good work you are doing in sharing the message. Its a blessing to my family to listen to the broadcast.

God bless you,

Sis. Naomi

Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook, & EyeWitnessAccounts
* July 21, 2006 - 04:42 PM Ana Paula Muller from United States Thank you for the opportunity to find out more about the prophet. God bless every one involved in his work.
* July 09, 2006 - 12:13 PM Dave from Jamaica The best range of conservative Christian music anywhere. Keep going, fellows! Inspirational!!

* July 07, 2006 - 04:49 PM Michael Beard from United States I am so grateful to know that we had a prophet in my generation. Since my release from jail when I was 42yrs, old. I read some of bro. Branham books in there. That started me to think about god. My mother was a believer in this message. She went to church at the lighthouse tabernacle in Knifley, KY, when she passed away. She looked up into heaven and said it was so beautiful over there. But I had been an alcoholic for 25yrs. I did drugs and every thing you could think of. I was a country boy, that what you had to do to be one I was told. I used to tell mama that church had her brain washed and my other sisters too. They were no better than anyone else, that they just made it up in there mind that they had the holy ghost. I talked about bad all the time until one day god had enough. He took mama, daddy and two of my sisters home. He almost took the whole family. It was the 2nd month later, my wife and child left me. Then I was locked up for D.U.I., child support and me a full-blown alcoholic. On top of that, I went into a depression I wouldn’t even get out of the bed or anything. I would not eat. I lost 90lbs.

They sent me to a well I call them a nut doctor. They had me so doped up. I could not walk. Then they took me back to jail for 60 days, and there was those Bro. Branham books. So I started to read them. They had church every Sunday in jail, so I went. There was about 30 of us. The preacher was about 70 yrs old. He said “God has changed my message tonight. That man must have read my mind. It seemed he knew my life. When we got up to leave, he was at the door and when I passed though. He only took me by the arm and said, “would you like for me to pray for you?” Something said yes. Then he layed hands on me. He was praying and I was praying too. I kept in my head what Bro Branham said, all you have to do is believe. I was trying as hard has I could. Then all at once I felt it was like a million pounds come off me. I felt like I was walking on air. I went back to my cell at peace. I was so happy I thought I was back like I was when I was little. That was the last time I remember feeling that good. So when I got out of jail, I told god that if he stayed with me, I would stay with him. He has never left me. So I started going to Lighthouse Tabernacle, that believes in Bro. Branham’s message. Now, I believe also. God almost killed bringing me in. I listen to the tapes everyday. There is something special about him. There is more to the story. but it has took about 2 hrs to type this. I am also not very educated. I am just learning the computer. I am now 48yrs and I have never drinked again or took drugs. My life is so much different now. I want you to know this world owns god a thank you for sending Bro. Branham to us. If it was not for him, I would still be in a denominational church. I think we all would be. I never started having conversation with god until I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. I took the challenge of Bro. Branham. Until we meet again. Thank you Michael beard

A Special Thanks To ...

All the individuals who continually support this project daily with their resources—prayers, time, money, effort, advice ...
the Believers, Ministers, and Pastors of
Grace Tabernacle, Zion, Illinois, USA
Tucson Tabernacle, Tucson, Arizona, USA
End Time Message Tabernacle, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Open Bible Fellowship of Living Word Believers, Sellersburg, Indiana, USA
Happy Valley Church, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
Bible Believers, Currabubula, Australia
Bible Believers, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Christ Tabernacle, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Victory Revival Church,Stoney Battery Rd.,Troutville, VA 24175
Arrow Bread of Life Tabernacle, Sandwich, Illinois, USA

May God richly bless you, and supply your every need!

This project is built upon the vision, handiwork and dedication of many believers, some have passed on, but we are determined to continue the "march with our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.”We want to acknowledge all your hard work and support in helping us build on your work.

Tune-in Broadcast
William Branham 24/7

You can tune-in to any of the four (4) broadcast streams below from our website
* Today’s Feature: Featured Sermon for the day
* Bible Study (August 2006): Opening The Door of Your Heart to Christ
* Prayer-Healing Line:
Build up your Faith for your Healing
* End Time Gospel Music:
Reflections of the End Time Message
This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. ”So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)