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Prayer Line 53-06
53-pl-06, Prayer Line 53-06, 59 min

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53-0607e - Roberts Park Amphitheater, Connersville, IN (Paragraphs: 38 - 47)
L-39 Now, I'm talking to you just like the Lord talked to the woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink of water." See? Only thing He was trying to do was catch her spirit. Then He found out what she'd been doing. She was an adulteress. And He told her. And she said, "Why, I see that You're a prophet." You remember the story? Sure.
You got more trouble in your home too. It's your wife. That right? It's something in her neck and head keeps hurting. Is that right? Is that the truth? Well now, you're both healed. You can go home and get well. God bless you. Lord Jesus, bless my brother...?... [John 4:1-23]
L-40 []... you real...?... Just thankful to God. Uh-huh. All right. Bring the lady. Come here. Suppose that we are strangers, are we, lady? Uh-huh. Now, if God knows what was in life, He knows what will be in life. And if God will reveal to me what was in your life, and then will tell me what will be in your life; if He tells me what was, if you'll know whether that's the truth or not, 'cause you've lived up that space of life. But then--then if He tell you the truth about that, you'd believe He'd tell the truth about the other, wouldn't He? The rest of it'd be true. Thank you, sister.
Now, you're--you're aware that something's going on. You're conscious of that. Now, that isn't nothing. That's... Did you see that picture of the Angel of the Lord? Have you been here when they've had it for it's--it's--for... Passing out through the audience last week. I don't think we have one here tonight. It was taken standing on the platform with thirty thousand people. The American Photographer's Association taken it. Now, that's what you--at what you see. It's in the supernatural realm. Now, I see that you're very, very sick. And you have a cancer. That right? And that cancer, it's in the womb isn't it? Is that true? Only chance is God, and He isn't a chance; He's a Cure. Will you believe it? Will you accept it? Come here.
Heavenly Father, I pray now, as I lay hands upon her, may the Holy Spirit come upon her and condemn that cancer and kill it. May it be drove from her this night, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you now, sister. Go on your road a happy, rejoice, thank God for your healing then. []
L-41 ... anointed now with His Spirit, It'd be kindly hard for you to hide your life, wouldn't it? It really would. Now, you can... I couldn't heal you; there's nothing I could do about that, 'cause Christ already done that. But He hasn't told you your life yet. You know your life, but He has already healed you when He died at Calvary. By the way, you aren't even seeking healing for yourself: for your husband. Is that right? Uh-huh uh-huh. See? The man has something wrong in here. It's sinus. Is that right? Listen. Your husband smokes cigarettes too. You go tell them to... May the Lord take now, and heal him of that sinus and make him completely well. Do you believe He'll do it. Almighty God, Author of Life, may the power of God come upon this man and may he be healed. And may this woman be blessed, Lord, as she leaves this platform, and may they both live a long happy life in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now, it... Go on and rejoice and be happy. Going to get... God bless you, that's fine. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." We know that our Lord Jesus is ever near.
You believe? Don't doubt now. Have faith. You don't have to be here, just be there is all right. Just--just keep praying. Keep having faith. See?
L-42 Howdy do, sir? I perceive that you're a minister. You're not here for yourself either. You're here seeking for somebody else. I believe it's a sister. Is that right? She's had an accident of some sort, or was struck on the head, or something, hurt her some way, caused her to have some kind of a fainting spells that--or something like that, or black-out spells like. When she comes out of it, she gets real sick. Is that right? You belong to Church of God? I thought so. Go now, and put your hand on your sister. The Lord Jesus makes her well. Amen. Bless you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God Who gives us the victory."
Believe? All right. You want to get over that chest trouble, lady? Uh-huh. If you want to accept it, God will make you well if you just only believe. That's all you have to do.
All right, lady, you come. Can you believe Him with all your heart? And believe that God will make you well? You do? I was watching. There's something by that man again, but what it was, you got heart trouble yourself. That's what your trouble is. Isn't that right? A leaking heart? You believe God will make you well? Come here just a moment. Now, Father, for this young woman here, just in the--just here in her young womanhood. I pray that You'll bless her, and may she go home and get well, Father. I bless her for this purpose and for this cause, the cause of Jesus Christ Who said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. I ask it in Jesus' Name, for her healing. Amen. Now, do you believe, sister? Then go on; forget about the heart trouble, and serve God all the rest of your life, and be reverent.
L-43 Come, lady. You believe, lady? You want to get over the female trouble? Been bothering you for some time, hasn't it, lady? [ Brother Branham speaks to the woman privately--Ed.]...?... you have a drainage from...?... Isn't that truth? No one knew that but you and God, but that's the truth, isn't it? Now, if He knows what you did, and where you was at, and all about it, knows what's wrong with you, His Presence is here. Is that right? Now, will you accept your healing of Jesus Christ? You do? God bless you then. Go and testify, and the Lord Jesus bless you and make you well. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Be reverent. Come, sir. Now, you might say, "Brother Branham, you're reading those people's minds." No, I'm not. Here, I've never looked at this man. Put your hand on my shoulder, sir. You believe me to be God's prophet? With all your heart? If I tell you the truth, will you raise up your hand and witness it's the truth, if God can show me out here what's wrong with you? Got heart trouble, haven't you, sir? If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, go and be made well in Jesus' Name. See, see?
I felt that coming to me, he said, "He's reading their mind." No, I'm not. It's the power of God...?... That's right.
L-44 The Lord bless you, sister. Lady, setting over there at the end of that row right there, looking this way, you got stomach trouble, haven't you? You want to be made well? I seen you setting there praying. You've been bleeding ever since I've been praying here, haven't you? All right. You can stand up now, you had gastric ulcers, sister, in your stomach, causing it to sour. Is that right? You're healed now, you can go home...?...
The lady setting next to you, she had liver trouble too, setting there. Been having her liver condition. Isn't that right, lady? If that is, stand up and accept your healing then, and you can go home also and be made well. The Lord bless you. Have faith in God.
Come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? Do you believe, lady? You do? If God will tell me what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing? Have diabetes. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, you can go get well. And the Lord bless you and make you well. Say, "Praise be to the Lord." Have faith.
L-45 Come, lady. You want to get over it... Well, my... Don't look like you'd have TB, but you have. You--you know that? You're conscious of it? See? My, it certainly don't look like it to look outward, but you are. Yes, sir. Here, the other day when you heard that I was coming up here, you knelt in a room and said if you could ever get up on this platform, you'd be healed. Is that right? All right. Now, you can go right on away healed. Your husband also sick. Go tell... Just go tell him he's healed too. God bless you, both of you there. Hmm. Have faith. Hmm.
Got kidney trouble, lady. Very bad. You want to get over it? Say, "I accept my healing of Jesus Christ. The Lord bless you now. May you go home and get well, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Come, brother. You want to get over that stomach trouble, be made well? Will you believe me as God's prophet? Then go eat what you want to and praise God for your healing. God will make you well. Have faith, don't doubt at all, but believe.
What about... Oh, it's you. You have stomach trouble too. All right, you can go also, and I... You--you had that for a long time, lady. It's a nervous condition that's caused it. You've had it for years and years. Now, go on; just forget about it and say, "Thank You Lord Jesus, tonight. That's right. That's the way. Have faith in God. Do you believe? Well, have faith and God will bring it to pass.
L-46 You have diabetes, don't you, sir, setting right back there--gentleman? Isn't that right? All right. Stand up now, say, "Lord, I accept my healing." May the Lord make you well, dad. You've been setting there looking around and a lot of them praying for you, and everything. Now, you have--you have faith in God. God's going to bring it to pass for you. Let's say, "Thanks be to God."
Have stomach trouble, don't you? That lady, setting right in there... Yes. Lady next to you: a rectal trouble there. That's right. It's true. You want to be healed, both of you? Stand to your feet. God bless you; you're both to go home now and get well. The good Lord bless you real well.
You want to get over that female trouble, sister, setting there? You also have stomach trouble too: a peptic ulcer in the stomach. Same thing, cause you to be upset. Is that right? Looks--seems like you got a real nervous condition too. I see you weary, walking the floor. Isn't that true? If that's right, raise up your hand like that. Now, stand up, accept your healing, and be made well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. All right.
L-47 Come, lady. You want to get over that heart trouble? Just go and say, "Thank You, dear Lord Jesus," and go be made well. God bless you. You believe? Go rejoicing. Have faith in God.
Excuse me. It's something with... I See someone faint...?... Oh, yes, I do. There's two sisters; they're setting together there, right there at the end of the row. You have kind of fainting spells, don't you, lady? Isn't that your sister setting next to you? You're both strangers to me, aren't you? And she has female trouble. Isn't that right? Both of you stand up. Put your arms around one another. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal them both. May they go home from here tonight, and be made completely well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you. Way back up the line here, I see a man setting there, something... Oh, it's a tubercular, setting right on the end of the seat, right up here, up this line here, right up yonder. You want to get over that, sir? Stand up to your feet then and wave your handkerchief around and say, "Thank You, Lord." God bless you. Now you can go home and get well. Amen. You believe?

53-0612 - Roberts Park Amphitheater, Connersville, IN (Paragraphs: 75 - 96)
L-76 And while you have your heads bowed, I wonder tonight, sitting here; if you can remember an old mother, dad, years ago that you said, "Mother, I'll meet you on the other side." You remember when God taken the baby out of the home, you said, "Lord, I'll--I'll serve You." But you failed to do that. Are you here and want to receive Christ as Saviour and wants to be remembered in a word of prayer, would you raise up your hands, right quickly.
God bless you, mister. God bless you, sir. God bless you. God bless you and you. Somebody to my right would say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I--I need Christ as my Saviour. I believe in old-time, heartfelt religion. I believe that the thing..." God bless you, way back there sir, I see. Someone else, would say, "Remember me, Brother Branham," here in the middle aisles? Would you say, "Remember me"? God bless you, sir. God bless you, lady, I see you. Someone else say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, I need Christ as my personal Saviour." Raise up your hands, say, "I want to now accept Christ."
L-77 I wonder while we have our heads down, we're pressed awful for time. I preached just a little long, but I felt the Holy Spirit would have me do this. Surely you'll respect it as the Word of God. I wonder while the sister gives us a chord on the piano, if those who wants to accept Chirst now as personal Saviour, not time to come down to the altar, but you would stand up and say, "Brother Branham, I now stand as a witness that I forsake sin and accept Christ as my Saviour. Pray for me now." Would you just raise up if you would, just as a sign that you want to accept Him, and then I'll have prayer for you right here, and you stand right where you are, and accept Him. Will you do it? Will you stand up, just say, "I'm standing up now as a sign."
Don't let that person setting next to you keep you out of the way. God bless you, lady. God bless you, sir. Just remain standing. Someone else wants to receive Him, raise up. God bless you, sir. God bless you. Just remain standing. Someone else now? God bless you, sister, just remain. God bless you, back there, I see you. Somebody back in here now say... God bless you, sir, just remain standing. Someone else? Say, "I want to accept Christ as my personal Saviour." God sees you. He sees you right there, just the same as He sees you here. God bless you, young lady, I see. That's a gallant deed for you to do. God bless you, sister, I see you. Somebody down in here... down in this way, say, "I want to stand, Brother Branham." Just say, "I now want to accept Christ, in the old fashion way, I want..." God bless both of you ladies. Just remain standing, if you will.
L-78 Now, is there anyone else, just before closing now. We're going to have prayer for these people. Now, way back in the back, I see you with your hand up. I know God sees you too. He knows your heart. Would there be one more who wants to accept Christ? I see you sister, with the little baby in your arm, that's fine. Now someone else, would you stand up right quick now? Say, "I want..." God bless you, brother, I see you. God bless you, sister, I see you. That's fine. Just remain standing. God... God bless you, young lady, I see you also.
Someone else just stand up, say, "I want to accept Christ right now, Brother Branham. I believe with all my heart that the old fashion religion that John Wesley preached that...?... Back yonder when Calvin and Knox." Just think of--of George Whitfield, he preached so hard and so loud, they could hear him two miles away, preaching the same Gospel that you're hearing right now. But what's the matter? The big, fine churches don't preach it no more.
How many is going to believe out there now, with all your heart? All right, now. Be reverent. This is the hardest thing to do. If you only knew, friends, how that it's swaying from one thing to another. It's like running on one road and taking to another. It's all the Holy Spirit. It's all God, but different ministrations.
Now, I'm not a preacher, not... I'm a spare tire. I just kindy, when the preacher ain't there, I try to fill his place. But I--I love the Lord. But my Divine gift from God is to here--pray for the sick people. That's what He commissioned me to do, pray for the sick. But I'm trying to take the preacher's place and also this, also.
L-79 So, swaying from one to another makes it hard. It's two anointings. One anointing is just blessing you. Oh, you feel wonderful. And the other one just cutting the life from you. It's taking from you. One is adding to you, the other one is taking from you. How many understands that? Raise up your hands. Say, "I believe I understand it, Brother Branham." Virtue and stuff that goes from you, the strength of your life pulling out. Visions, what they do.
Now, just be as reverent as you can everywhere. And I'm going to do everything I can to pray for every person. I'll try my best to get every person that comes here prayed for before I leave the city. See? And just stick along and be reverent.
If you don't get healed before that time, I'll try my best to get you up here and have prayer with you before we--before we leave the city.
L-80 But try to believe God's Word. Just take His Word at it. Now, if I testify of something, and God don't testify of it, then I've told a--something that isn't truth. But if I testify of truth, and God has testifies that that is the truth, then you don't--you mustn't doubt God. You must believe God.
Now, Jesus... Is there anybody here for your first time? This a small group tonight. Well, just look at there, for the first time, would you? My. That's where it's bad (You see?), what makes it hard, when you have to find out the petra--the people hardly know the nature of what to do.
Now, that's the reason I keep quoting this. See, friends, the Spirit of the Lord--the Spirit of the Lord, when It was upon His Son, Jesus Christ, Jesus did not claim to be a Divine healer. He claimed to be just what He was: the Son of God. But He said, "I can do nothing except My Father shows Me first." Is that Scripture? Saint John 5, when He passed by all them cripples and blind and halt and lame and crippled up people, He didn't heal any of them, went over, healed a man, maybe had prostate trouble or something. [John 5:19]
L-81 How's the nerves getting along, brother, better? Well, I hope this is the time you receive your healing. All right. You come from Virginia, don't you? Somewhere up in the area? All right. That's West Virginia. All right, sir. All right. Now, just have faith. He's here: (uh-huh) the Angel of the Lord.
And now, He said, when they questioned Him, when He went by all those people and healed this one man that had diabetes or something, they--they tried to wonder what was the matter. So they questioned this Jesus. And He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself but what He sees the Father doing. Whatsoever the Father doeth, He showeth the Son, and the Son doeth what He... Father worketh and I worketh hitherto." Is that right? Then He did not do one thing except God told Him to do it and showed Him how to do it. His Words are truth. [John 5:19]
L-82 You believe that's inspired? Sure it is: Saint John 5th chapter. Some of them try to cut Mark 16 out, but what about Saint John 5, then? See? All right. Now, have faith and believe. [John 5:19], [Mark 16:18]
Now, He said, "The things that I do, shall you also." Is that right? Now, He--He knew the thoughts of the people's heart. When He standing in crowds, He talked to the people. When He was talk--talk--talked to a woman one time at the well, He said, "Come here. Bring Me a drink of water." [John 14:12]
She said, "It's not customary for Jews to ask Samaritans such, 'cause we have no dealing."
He said, "But if you know Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink; and I'd bring you a drink that you don't come here to draw."
Why, she said, "The well's deep."
And they went on with a long conversation. After while, when He found out what was her trouble, He went right straight and told her, said, "Go, get your husband." Is that right? Well then, if He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, here this Spirit... If you judge me right, I'll--I'll be either a Spirit of God or a spirit of the devil. You can't be two the same time. There's no black white birds; drunk sober men; sinner saints. You're either right or... You're either a Christian or you're not a Christian. It's either the Spirit of Christ, or not the Spirit of Christ. Bitter and sweet water don't come the same fountains. "By your fruits you shall know them."
I've lived in Indiana for nearly forty years. I'm on my third journey around the world. Scientific world and all has tested it, and we got... I guess they had the pictures here tonight. Did you all get one--get to see one, the Angel of the Lord? The brethren have it here.
Now, it's not just some picture, some photograph; that's in Washington, DC: the only--only supernatural being in all the world's history that was ever photographed. That's what scientists says. George J. Lacy, on your paper you'll see it there; and you have a photostatic copy of his signature on it. [John 4:1-25]
L-83 Now, here stands... The woman's a stranger to me. I do not know her; I never seen her in my life. God knows her; I don't. If there's anything wrong with the woman, God knows it; but I do not know it. Are we strangers, lady? We are strangers. Now, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (I'm talking to the newcomers now; the old ones understand it.) then, if He is the same... He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me no more; yet you'll see Me; for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Is that right? Then if He's the same, He'll do the same thing here tonight that He would do if He was here in flesh. Is that right? Now, as far as saving you, He couldn't do it if He was standing here tonight. He's already done it. As far as healing you, if He was standing here tonight, He couldn't do it. He's already did it. He's already done everything that can be done. The only thing He could do, is come and represent Himself in a way of preaching, or some kind of a Divine gift to point you to that. [Matthew 28:20][John 14:19]
But now, if this woman's a stranger to me, and I to her, if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, God could reveal to me, just like He did the woman at the well, where that woman's trouble's at. Is that true? Or He... Like He told Philip when Philip come to Him, He said, "Here comes an Israelite who knows no guile."
Said, "When did You know me?" Said, "When..." I mean, Nathanael said.
"Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you." Is that right? [John 1:46-51]
L-84 Now, may the Lord Jesus bless. I know that He's close, but I want you to believe now with all your heart, and kindly get settled down, and begin to look this a way. Have faith.
And you out there without prayer cards or anything, and you sick people that's not up here, you just believe with all your heart. And now look. If I've told you the truth, that Jesus healed you nineteen hundred years ago, every one of you that's got faith enough to believe it, your healing is complete in Christ. Then if that's the truth, God will speak through here and say it's the truth. That's fair, isn't it?
Now, I want to talk to you just a moment, lady. You just... Being the first patient, I just want to talk to you a few moments just merely to get the Spirit of the Lord beginning to move. You see? So, I have to have something to believe me. You see? And if He don't come, well then I'm perfectly helpless.
But, you've been suffering quite a bit. And the suffering comes from the female organs: it's cancer. Is that right? You believe He'll heal you? Come here just a minute.
Now, Father, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus, I ask for this woman's life, knowing that this enemy has caught her, I ask You to move him away from her. As Your humble servant, I pray that You'll grant it. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Don't doubt. Go, believing.
Have faith now. Everybody believe with all your heart. All right.
L-85 Just reverent. All right, lady. Are we strangers? We don't know each other. You just picked up a card a few minutes ago out there. And they called your number, and you come up on the platform. That's as far as life--as we've seen each other or know. Is that true? Then only God knows your heart. I do not. But you're--you're know that something is near. You know that the Spirit of the Lord...
You have a strange thing. You're--you're--you're wanting children. Isn't that right? Well, Simeon set in the temple of old--or Eli, rather, said, "The Lord bless, Hagar." And she brought forth a baby. You've been sterile. Come close just a moment. [I Samuel 1:1-20]
Heavenly Father, in the day that's so evil now, and here's a woman wanting a little one. God bless her, as You have the many hundreds across the country. And make her well of this and may she embrace this loved one that she wishes. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go receive it, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
L-86 Now, one day not long ago, a little lady come to my house. She may be here tonight, for all I know. She was--been wanting a little baby for years. I had prayer for her, and the lady has the loveliest little boy baby... How many knows Richard--T. Richard Reed of Jonesboro, Arkansas? Well, the blessed old Bible Hour Tabernacle. He's the pastor there. His wife (many years ago) has been barren for years.
And one morning I walked out of the room... She was taking shots from the doctor and everything, which almost caused her to lose her mind. And it didn't do any good. One morning walking out of the room, I said, "Sister Reed? I see you holding a little boy baby in your arms. You shall have it. God has rewarded you."
And she was playing an old favorite song of mine. It's not a Christian song. It's "Home On The Range." I think it sounds so peaceful. And I said, "God is going to bring peace to your family, and He's going to bring the little boy baby."
And five years from that year, she embraced a little boy baby. And I was holding him two or three weeks ago in my hands, trotting him up-and-down the aisles of the place right where it was said. The Lord God granted. That's one of hundreds.
L-87 You might wonder just why I just saying one thing to the people and let it pass on by. It's because of more you talk to people, more you know about people as the visions keep breaking. But I want to try to get to as many as I can. You can stand and talk to someone, just keeps on moving, keeps on going, keeps on moving, talking.
Now, lady, you... Do you believe the things that you see? You believe it to be the truth? You do. Well, perhaps I'll just talk to you a little bit. Are we strangers? We are strangers. Ma'am? I don't believe I ever seen you in my life. Then if I am a stranger and you are a stranger, neither one of us met each other in life before, and this is our first meeting place, just raise up your hand, so the people will know that that's true.
I never seen the lady in all my life, know not nothing at all about her. God does. Now, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, if I should talk to this woman, and it would be His Divine will, He could reveal to me. But it's His will; I can't make it. He could even speak that woman, what's wrong with her, or something about her life, or what she has done, or what's hindering her. Or--or if she's something else, God would tell her about it.
L-88 You know how that is. If it is sin in the camp, it'll sure be called out. That's right. It won't pass unconfessed sin. If you'll watch it, it always catches that unconfessed sin. How many knows that's true? Watching it in the audience here every night. See? It certainly is. It catches unconfessed sin.
But now, I want to talk to the woman. I want you all to be reverent. Now, sister, if our Lord Jesus... I know He loves you, because He died for you. And--and if I be His servant, then--and you His--be His servant, then there'd be something about you, if there is sickness, then there's something here, and both of us human beings... It's trying to get your faith to look to something. That's what I'm talking about. And every word that I'm saying, I--God has to give me utterance, or I wouldn't even be standing here, I'd be dead. Is that right? And standing here with this Bible on the sacred desk, the pulpit, the closest place to heaven on the earth. Certainly.
L-89 You're--you've come from a distance here. Is that right? You come on a bus, didn't you? I seen you getting on a bus and getting off of a bus.
Now, just a moment, it left me. Oh, yes. That's right. And you have something that's in the--it's in the liver. Isn't that right? Cancer in the liver. Is that the truth? Now, if that's truth, let the people know.
Now, you hear that was talking; that wasn't me. That--that was my voice. But I--I could hear myself. Now, let's talk just a little longer and see if He... Do you--do you believe me to be His prophet? You do that. I believe you do too, with all your heart. God bless you.
L-90 You have other sorrows in your heart too. You're concerned about someone. Is that right? It's a boy. Isn't that right? And that boy is--had an operation sometime ago. It was on the spine. And it paralyzed him. And the only thing he can lift is his left hand. And two fingers on that left hand. I see him moving the fingers, is that right? Isn't he a great lover of sports, such as fishing and hunting and like that? Isn't that true? God bless you, come here.
Our heavenly Father, be merciful to this poor woman standing hopeless, helpless, without You. God, grant the blessings that she desires. Thou knowest all about her. I can't remember at this time, but Thou knowest all things. And I pray that You'll bless her and give her the desire of her heart, making her well in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Sister? With your faith... Yes. There is something about you just keeps moving on. I see... You're fading away in front of me again. Now, you're going to get well. So God bless you. You're going to get... Well, God bless you. God bless you.
L-91 Wonderful faith. I wished everybody here had faith like that. Lady, just a moment. Didn't you cross a river to get here? You come from Kentucky, didn't you? Is that right? I thought I seen that bus cross the river when I looked around that time. God bless you.
But I want to ask you something else. Is that boy with you? He isn't with you. But he was with you. Is that right? I seen him with you too. God bless you, now. Go on on your road rejoicing. Oh, if you could have faith like that, anything could happen. Believe God.
L-92 Sir, you've been watching me all along, each night and everything. I know what's your trouble. But you was setting there awhile ago, you was praying. You was praying that God would do something for you or speak to you tonight. Is that the truth?
I wasn't reading your mind. But I'm--I know what He was saying. And I know where your trouble is. And I believe if you're willing to take my word as God's prophet and accept what I tell you is the truth, God will heal you. You believe you can do that?
You have a heart trouble, don't you, sir? Is that right? Now, stand up and say, "Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Healer." God bless you, brother. Now, go home and get well. God bless you. All right.
L-93 I believe I know you, lady. Aren't you the lady from Chicago with something another about a--about a cancer case one time. Healed of can... Ma'am? Healed of cancer. You're the lady that was outside of that place that morning, where I come out of that... friend of yours that was healed with something out there, that great meeting going on in Fort Wayne. I thought I remembered your face.
Oh, yes. I got you now. Excuse me. You are Miss... Your--your husband's... I met you in Florida one time. And your husband has a spaghetti company or something. Is that right? That's right. All right. See, you understand what's going on now then, if you've been in the meetings before. It's something... I know you're my friend. But I want to ask...
L-94 No, it's not your own condition. It's for a loved one, your daughter with heart trouble. Isn't that true? It seems like I seen two children appear there, is that right? Two grandchildren, and one of them is fixing to have a operation: nose or something wrong in the nose condition. Is that right? Yes. And the other one has got a kidney trouble. Is that right? And you want to have blessings for them. Let's turn our faces to God right now.
Lord Jesus, we pray that You'll help these people that she's standing here, this little mother tonight, who has been along and seen Your great mighty hands move.
Now, I lay my hands upon her in representative way of the hands of our Lord. And ask that all her requests will be granted tonight, and she will be given the desire of her heart in these matters. In Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go and let me hear... Those children was across the waters, wasn't they? That's... all...?... South America. All right.
Believest thou this? Then have faith in God.
L-95 Feel different now, don't you, brother? I--I thought if you'd... Just a little push to make you receive it. You see? Last night, you tried awfully hard. You was setting somewhere in the building. I watched you last night. I know another person here, is very, very sick and been trying the last couple nights. I believe they're going to get healed directly. I've watched Him go to him twice already tonight.
Come, lady. Have faith now, everyone, in God. Believe Him with all your heart, and God shall bring it to pass.
L-96 How do you do, sister? Do you believe all these things? You believe the preaching of the Word is truth? You do. And you believe that faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word? And you believe that what we ask God we receive, because we believe we get what we ask for. And will you believe with me? And for your faith to... You believe that God could tell me what is wrong with you? He could. You believe He will? [Romans 10:17]
You got a--a little scare. Because that you've had a cancer. And the cancer was in the head--or in the ear, I'd say, in the ear. And--and you're afraid that the cancer is come into the ear, is that right? And that's in the right ear. That's where I see where they was examining, looking to that ear. Is that true? All right, come here just a moment.
Lord Jesus, I bless this poor old mother. No doubt at all, Lord, that this poor little old feeble hand that I've got here now, has washed a many days washing, brushed back the tears from the crying baby's eyes as she rocked it.
Been a mother, but O God, it takes someone now, a nail-scarred hand to brush back the fears and tears here. Grant it, Lord. May she go home and all fears leave and may she get well, live many more happy days. I bless her for this purpose, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go now, being happy, rejoicing and... God bless... That's the way to do it. All right.

53-0614e - Roberts Park Amphitheater, Connersville, IN (Paragraphs: 50 - 66)
L-51 So then, he was swindling. It was kind of drizzling rain out there then. He was--he was swindling like this, and he went ahead talking. And I thought, "Well, I hope you've quieten down." Well, I looked at him a little bit. And I looked all around. I thought, "Where's them fellows at? I got to get back in that building. Won't they come?"
Nobody knew me. I was standing there, you know. And after while, I heard somebody hollering, "Daddy, daddy?" I thought, "Where's that?" And there was as many people, practically, standing in them back places there, as there is seated in here tonight, right in that parking lot, right there in the light.
And coming down through the people... Now, down in the South, they have the Jim Crow law: that is colored and white can't mix together. So here come the--a colored girl, about seventeen, eighteen years old. And oh, she was in a... her... this... her eyes was as white with cataract as my shirt is. And she was coming, pressing through that crowd, saying, "Somebody please help me. Daddy."
L-52 And I thought, "Why don't some of those people help that poor girl?" So I thought while he wasn't looking, I'd move along a little. So I got over there. I kept getting right in her way. And watching for these men to come. And she come right up, and I stood like that. And she bumped into me. She--her hands tugged me. She said, "Excuse me, sir. Excuse me." Said, "Daddy?"
I thought... I said, "What you looking for?"
She said, "Sir, I've lost my daddy. I'm blind." She said, "And I can't find him. I don't know what to do." Said, "Nobody will help me. Will you help me, kind sir?"
And I said, "Well, I don't see no more colored people around here." I said, "Where you from?"
She said, "Memphis."
L-53 And I looked and there was a bunch of chartered buses setting there. I knowed one of them was Memphis, and that's how... I said, "What you doing over here?"
She said, "I's listening to the radio this morning." She said, "I heard about all those deaf and dumb people they had up there, that was deaf and dumb last night, speaking on the radio."
And I said, "And you're blind?" See? I said, "What'd you come over here for?"
She said, "I come to see the healah."
I said, "The what?"
She said, "The healah."
And I said, "You don't believe that, do you?"
"Oh, yes, suh."
L-54 Now, that--that looked like a hypocrite too, taking advantage of a blind woman. See? But I wanted to see whether she really believed it. I said, "Do you believe that's the truth?"
She said, "Yes, suh." And I begin to feel little. And she said--she said, "Yes, suh. I believes it."
And I said, "Why, you believe that God would do something like that, as far advanced as medical science is?"
She said, "Suh," said, "when I was a little girl, I got cataracts on my eyes. The doctor told me when they got ripe," I don't know what that means, but, "when it got ripe that they'd take them off." And said, "Now, that they're ripe," said, "they say if they'd take them out, they'd pull the optical nerves out of my eyes." And said, "I--I--I can't see, and the only hope I got is to get in there. And this is the man's last night here, and they tell me I can't even get near the building. I lost my daddy. I don't know what to do."
And I said, "Do you believe if you'd get in there, you'd be healed?"
She said, "Why, I heard of a man on the radio this morning, from up at Kennett, Missouri, had been blind for ten years, and he received his sight." Said, "Well, couldn't I be healed too?"
I said, "Do you believe that?"
L-55 She said, "Sir, I'll tell you what I'll do. If you'll just get me in where that man's at, I'll be able to find my daddy after that." Oh, my.
I felt my heart drop right away from me. I thought poor, old blind thing. I said, "Look lady, do you mean that?"
She said, "Yes."
"Oh," I said, "maybe I'm the one you're supposed to see." And she grabbed me like that.
She said, "Is you the healah?"
I said, "No, ma'am." I said, "I'm Brother Branham. Jesus is the Healer." And she grabbed me.
She said, "Oh, Brother Branham, has mercy on me. Has mercy on me." And I thought of poor old blind Fanny Crosby.
Pass Me Not, O gentle Saviour,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
L-56 And I looked, and I thought, "Her only hope, Christ." I said, "Now, I don't want to be recognized in the crowd, lady. You bow your head and we'll have a word of prayer." I said, "First, I want to hold your hand while I'm praying." I couldn't get her hand off of my coat. She wasn't going to let me go.
And I said, "Now, let me have your hand."
She said, "Don't pass me." And I took a hold of her hand, pulled it off, and held her hand. And while I was praying... Now, you can mark this fanaticism if you want to; that would be between you and God. See? I could only tell the truth. Something happened. I knew the woman was healed. I was waiting for the shrinkage of that cataract.
L-57 I said, "Now, you keep your lids closed over your eyes." I said, "Now, you raise your head just about to where you think my voice is coming. And I'll tell you what to do.
She said, "Yes, suh." Said, "Something cold went over me."
I said, "Just raise your head." I said, "Now, open your eyes for THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, you've received your sight."
And she opened her eyes. And she said, "Is that lights?"
And I said, "Yes."
She said, "Is them black dots there, is that people?" And it begin coming plainer. "O," she says, "O Lord, I who was once blind can now see." She let out a big scream. And then... they'd been... some people had been standing there watching it. And here they come. My! You talk about... [John 9:25]
L-58 And I happened to look. And there was an old man standing there with a cane, an old club in his hand. His leg was twisted sideways. He said, "Brother Branham, I know you." He said, "I been standing in this rain for eight or ten days here." Said, "You wouldn't pass me, would you, Brother Branham?" Said, "I got a bunch of kiddies at home." Said, "They need me." Said, "A wagon run over me and I'm... twisted my leg like this."
I said, "Do you believe?"
"With all my heart."
I said, "Then in the Name of the Lord Jesus, give me your cane."
And God, Who is my sovereign Judge, when the man in an act of faith handed the cane, his leg come straight, and he jumped into the air and screamed to the top of his voice.
L-59 I looked and here come the men, just pressing their way through, getting to me. And about that time, women, men, just pressing every way, and women trying to hold their little babies over to touch me. Or... It's a pathetic thing. I got babies setting here tonight too. If one of them was sick, I'd feel the same way if some help could come from somewhere.
You might say it's crazy and... No, it wasn't. You get in a desperate condition and you'll do something...?... too. Like Jairus was... At that time, I'll tell you the truth, my wife setting present over here now... I couldn't afford a suit of clothes to that time.
L-60 My brother, which is here tonight, give me one of his suits. He was a young man. He'd been in a automobile wreck, and he'd tore the pocket off it. And the trousers had been tore in several places. My wife and I went down to the ten cents store and got some of these patches, you iron on with a hot iron. And we ironed them on the clothes. And this coat here was tore down around the pocket, and I took a needle and thread and sewed it up myself. And I'm a long ways from being a seamstress. It was a horrible looking thing.
And I was ashamed of that old coat. And when I'd go to meet preachers, I'd hold my right arm down over this coat like this and reach over with my left hand, shake hands with them. I'd say, "Excuse the left hand; it's closer to my heart." And I--I'd shake hands with them. The thing of it was. I didn't want them to see that old ragged coat.
L-61 But that bunch of what... Arkansas people, who'd stood there and saw the Angel of God moving amongst the people, they were trying to touch that old ragged coat. And as many was touching, was getting healed, not because it was a ragged coat, because they believed that God was in their midst.
Let me say this tonight: I may not have that old ragged coat on, but the same God was there that night, is here tonight to do the same thing. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. The only way you'll ever be able to draw dividends from anything, God's got to have faith in it, to approach it right, to believe it. That's the reason they were getting healed, because they were coming in the right mental attitude, believing that the truth was there, and if they could get near it, they'd be healed. And God was confirming His Word with them. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-62 Amen! Oh, when I think about those grand old red-letter days and back yonder, sometime in the way beyond, in the ages that's to come, we'll set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus in a new kingdom. Have faith.
Not long ago, I met that blind girl again, seeing as well as... then didn't even wear glasses, giving God praise. Let's bow our heads.
L-63 Our heavenly Father, setting out here tonight, I--little babies crying, cool wind blowing down across these people setting here in the open air. Just as that air's a blowing unseen force, so is the Holy Spirit brooding over this place. Thou knowest my heart, the integrity of my heart. Thou knowest whether I'm telling truth or not, Lord. And how that You've blessed down through the ministry days, confirming it now around the world.
God be near tonight. O Great Angel, coming down from God as a Messenger, come near tonight and speak to the people. And may Your power move the people, and may the Holy Spirit speak into every heart, and may there not be a feeble person among us when we leave tonight. Grant it, Almighty God.
I'm thinking now, Father, of that poor old blind colored girl. There she was staggering in total darkness. Thinking of the day that when there come an old rugged cross, dragging down through Jerusalem, dragging out the bloody footprints of the Bearer, on the road up the hill, His little weak body fell under the load of the big old cross. Simon, the Cyrene, the colored man came and helped Him bear the cross along. O God, You're no respect of person, color, creed. God bless these people tonight. And may we say like those coming from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us..." They'd walked with Him all day. And just the way He done something, they recognized it was He. Do something tonight, Lord, that these people will realize that You're the same. We see You stand talking to that woman there at the well. You told her where her trouble was. She was surprised, because she knew.
When Philip come to You, You knew that he'd been under a fig tree praying. He was surprised to know that You knew all about him. And yet, the Pharisee said that You were Beelzebub, the chief of the devils. God, have mercy tonight. May many great things be wrought because we ask it in Jesus Name, God's Son. Amen. [] [Luke 24:32], [John 14:16-19]
L-64 ...?... today and forever. Is that true? If He is the same... When He was here on earth, He didn't claim to be a great person. He didn't claim to be a healer. How many knows that's true? He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwelleth in Me." And when He passed through the pool of Bethesda, and there laid all those crippled, and blind, and halt, and lame people, He never healed a one of them. He went right on by, and healed a man laying on a pallet.
And the Jews questioned, He said, "Verily, verily I say unto you (Saint John 5:19), the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing. Whatever things the Father doeth, He showeth the Son. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto. He'll show you greater than this (or the healing of that diabetic, ever what it was), that you may marvel." [John 5:1-20]
L-65 But Jesus claimed He couldn't do nothing until the Father showed Him by vision what to do. That Scripture? If He's the same today as He was yesterday, it's the same. "Yet a little while, the world won't see Me. Yet you will, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." Is that true? [John 5:19]
L-66 Now here's a woman. Are we strangers to each other, sister? First time ever in a meeting. Well, that's fine. All right. This woman's a total stranger to me and to the meetings; first time she's been ever been around at all. She's never seen nothing about the Angel of the Lord. She knows nothing about it at all. She's just a stranger, just walked in here. Where you come from, lady? Chillicothe, Ohio. Is anybody else here with the woman that knows her? Raise... Here's people along here that knows her. All right. Then everyone knows that that's true. She's just a woman standing here before us. We know nothing of her. She just got a prayer card a few minutes ago or while ago. And the-the boy give out the prayer cards, and your number just happened to be called. And she happened to be the first one to the platform. []

53-0800 - Branham Home & Unknown, Jeffersonville, IN & Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 13 - 20)
L-14 Lady, I just want to talk to you as... in the... The reason I'm doing this is to contact your spirit. Will you believe with all your heart? And if God will just reveal to me what is wrong with you, will you accept Him as your Healer? You would. Now, we're strangers I suppose, are we? Never seen each other in life, nowhere? But God knows what's wrong with you, isn't that right? You, one of your greatest things, you are anemia also. Isn't that right? You believe that God will make you well.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman. Make her well, Father. May she go from here tonight and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen.
L-15 Now go, rejoicing. Pray. Now, that's according to your faith, sister. See? He never told me one thing. Just said what was wrong with you. Watch what He says. See? What He tells you, that you do. Now, it's totally up to you. See? You believe it. You said you'd accept it. Now He took you at your word. You take Him at His Word. Go testify the same you'll get well. Amen. Let's say, "Thanks be to God." Amen. [Matthew 9:29]
I'm trust that God is blessing you all out there now to where you can't disbelieve any longer. It would be a--a--a sin for you to disbelieve now. After God has sent His Son, and has performed this thing that He speaks of now, and has done all these signs, and you... and sent His Bible, sent His preachers, sent His gifts, and you still disbelieve Him, there's nothing left for you but to be condemned at the end. Is that right?
L-16 But the only thing this is to do is to glorify God and to reveal Jesus Christ, that... When He was here on earth, He did this very same thing. All Bible readers believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And He said, "When I go away, and I'll come again. A little while and the world will see Me no more (That's the unbelievers.), but ye shall see Me (Who? the believers), for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." Is that true? Then it's sin to disbelieve. "Go ye and sin no more (or disbelieve no more) or a worse thing than this will come upon you," said Jesus. Is that true? Then we must believe. It's got to be a believe or perish. [Matthew 28:20], [John 14:17, 19], [John 8:11], [John 5:14]
L-17 If I was God, if they couldn't take my word for it, that would settle it. But people still don't take the Word, then signs and wonders are added into the Church, as Jesus Christ promised to do. And to my honest belief, I believe He's finishing up right now with the Gentiles, and will turn to the Jews right away. And the Gentiles will be left in their dogmas and the things that they got, and their creeds, and cold, formal denominations. And the Church will be raptured and took up. And the Gospel will go to the Jews. Amen. "Amen" means "so be it." All right.
L-18 Excuse me, sister. Have to relax my mind once in a while. Now, we'll be strangers. I see that you are strictly a stranger to me. You're from away from here. You've come from another city. You've got a lot of trouble on your heart. And you got heart trouble, to begin with. Is that right? There's a whole lot of blackness. I see a black sheet keep following you like that. Oh, it's a lie. Somebody's told a lie on you, and that was a man was professing Divine healing. [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] He said you was a witch. ["Yes."] Is that true? And you--you got a whole stir in your church, or something another, about it. Isn't that right? Your pastor's sick right now. He has got polio. Is that right? ["Yes, sir."] Sister, don't pay no attention to what them people tell you. They're a lying. And the only thing's wrong with your heart is that nervous condition, got your heart worked up. Go on home in peace, and God bless you. You're all right. God bless you. You're not a witch.
L-19 You believe with all your heart? Believe God will heal you with that cancer. Believe He will make you well if I'd ask Him.
Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman. And may she get completely whole. I ask this blessing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Go on your road, rejoicing, saying, "Thank You, Lord," and you'll get well.
Come, lady.
Almighty God, Author of Life, give this woman her perfect health in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you. Just a minute. Something happened to you. You know that. You're aware of that. Isn't that right?
Why, it's all over the building, and every person here could be healed right now if you'd believe it. You believe this? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Have faith in God. [Mark 11:22]
Are you one of the ushers, sir? All right, sir.
L-20 That lady setting right there, got heart trouble, that speckled dress on. Stand up, lady. He just healed you then of that heart trouble. You believe that with all your heart? All right.
There sets a lady there with her handkerchief up, crying, just had a lick on the head the other day. She has got a headache that causes it. Is that right? Stand up and accept your healing in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
How many of the rest of you wants to accept your healing? Jesus Christ is right here now to heal you. Do you believe that? All that wants to be healed, stand to your feet right now. Every person in the building that wants to be healed, stand to your feet. Raise up your hands like this to God.
Almighty God, the Author of Life, the Giver of every gift, as Thy Spirit is here tonight, I pray that You'll heal every person in this building. Thou art here. The Holy Spirit is here. And I, now, as Your servant, along with these other servants, curse every disease that's in here. May the Jesus Christ the Son of God heal every person in here.
Satan, leave these people in Jesus Christ's Name.
Now, let the people that's got their hands up, say, "Praise God," and go to rejoicing, giving God... [Congregation says, "Praise God."--Ed.]
All right, Brother Boze.

53-0829 - Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 50 - 88)
L-51 Come, lady. I suppose we are--we're strangers, are we? Oh, I... You've been in the prayer line before? At whereabouts? Hammond, Indiana. For what? Nervousness? Uh-huh. Well, that's fine. All right. Then exactly... We wouldn't exactly be strangers. Oh, I--I don't remember it, on that long a time. I wouldn't know nothing about it. But that left you, your nervousness, I suppose? That's good. That's fine.
Now, then you're here tonight for some other purpose. And do you believe that... Of course, if--if you've seen Jesus Christ come down and take away a nervous condition from you, then that same Lord Jesus can take away whatever, what's wrong with you now. Is that right? He could make you well. And do you believe then that He has risen from the dead and lives in His Church today? You believe that. All right.
L-52 Of course, you know I don't know what's wrong with you now. Only God knows that. But He can reveal it to me, you believe that? And you wouldn't think it was mental telepathy or... No, you would believe it was the Spirit of God. Is that right? That's why you're here. Thank you.
See, I'm talking to you now. This is a perfect case, just like Jesus was talking to the woman at Samaria. He said... She said, "Now, why, You being a Jew and ask me a Samaritan (two different races of people) for a favor?" Well, they had no such dealings.
He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink."
Now, what was He doing? To my opinion, He was contacting her spirit. See? You are--you're a supernatural being, the same as you're a natural being. The life goes out of you. Nobody sees it go, but it goes. You don't operate no more. That's your spirit. [John 4:1-21]
L-53 Now, that's the thing that by the Spirit of God, I have to contact you. See? And then Jesus, after He had talked to her, He seen right where her trouble was. And He told her where her trouble was. And she run into the city, saying, "Come, see a Man told me everything I ever done."
Why, He didn't tell her all she done. He just told her how she was living. And... But He could've told her, if the Father would've showed Him, is that right? That's right.
Now, this is exactly a repeat of that case (See?), us standing here together tonight: two nationalities of people, standing talking. But did you notice, Christ was no respect of person.
Years ago, there was an old rugged cross come down through Jerusalem, dragging out the foot... footprints of the Bearer. On the road up the hill, His little frail body fell. Simon of Cyrene came, helped Him bear the cross. He remembers that. He knows it. [John 4:1-30]
L-54 You have a real dark look around you, 'cause you're suffering from some kind of a oppression, demon bothering you. Isn't that true? You're haunted. It's like something haunting at you all the time. It'd run you wild if it could.
Here's another thing, lady. What you really need is Jesus Christ. You--you--you believe Him. You have confidence in Him, but you really have never just come right out and owned Him the way you should. Isn't that the truth? Yes. See you're... Now, to heal you, I can't. But your life, you couldn't hide. You see? That was close margin there. But I--I can see the way the Spirit of God is moving. Is that the truth? If it's... It's the truth.
Now, will you at this time accept Him as your personal Saviour before this group of people, and promise by God's help from this night on, you'll live for Him the best of your knowledge, the rest of your days. If you will, by God's help, I'll make the evil thing leave you and never return again. You will promise. Come here.
L-55 Now, bow your head. Now, this is a strange case. Now, if you don't want to have this same feeling, you keep your head down till you hear me call.
Now, Lord, the Creator of heavens and earth, the Author of Everlasting Life, and the Giver of all good gifts, be merciful to this little woman who stands here tonight. Humbly 'pented before this audience of people, has confessed her wrong. Could not hide from the Spirit of God Who's here, that knows all things. But she humbly confessed.
And she's sorry that You let her get well from her other disease, and then never completely turned to You. And now, she's worse than she was then. For it is written, "Go, and sin no more, or a worse thing come." [John 5:14], [John 8:11]
L-56 And now she has come and confessed her sins and accepted You as her Saviour. And now, Almighty God, Who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, and promised to be with the believers throughout the age, I come in Your Name. Help me, O God.
And Satan, you who have bound the woman in these fetters of torment. You would set her in the institution and let her butt her head against a padded cell. But you've lost your victory. I come in the representative Name of Jesus Christ that died at Calvary, Who conquered you and all your kind. And I adjure thee, by the living God and through Jesus Christ the Son of God, you come out of the woman and let her alone.
L-57 Look here now. You're free. Now you can raise your head. You feel all right now? It's gone. Now look, you had a real haunty feeling, didn't you? It's every bit gone. If that's the truth, raise your hand to the people. You are healed and saved. Go, and sin no more. God bless you.
Let us say, "Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ." This entire audience, with one accord, ought to believe the Lord Jesus Christ, right now. Some minister, around close to where the lady lives, ought to see the woman. She... Now, the next thing she needs is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Now--now, every person... There would be no reason for any person in here to disbelieve. Now, in order... You see how much... long it takes. In just a few, and I'd be so weak I couldn't go. Let's just pray for some of the people. Will that be all right?
L-58 Now, you come lady, if you will. Now, you... As the lady just passed by... All right, if--if God would--wouldn't show me one thing concerning you, you'd still believe Him anyhow if I'd pray? You would. And you will accept Jesus now, as your Healer, is that right?
Now, here's what's wrong with you. I see you're nearing an operation for a tumor. Is that right? But it--it'll leave you now, if you'll believe. Do you believe His Presence? I want to ask you something. Just when I said that, a strange feeling struck you. That's when it left. God bless you now. Now, God bless you. Go home. Amen.
L-59 Now, if I wouldn't say a word, just ask God and pray for you, you'd believe you'd get well anyhow, wouldn't you? Now, Father, I ask that she is made well, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your lovely Son. Amen.
Now, go believing. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart. God will grant it to you.
Do you believe, lady, as you're coming? With all your heart? O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, send Thy peace upon the woman, and may she be healed in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart and God will make it for you.
All right. Now, if you will believe with all your heart, you'll never go blind. You believe that He will make... He will--He will... In Jesus Christ's Name, may this spirit of blindness that's trying to put this man's eyes out, this demon of nervousness and oppression, may it leave him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Accept your healing now, from Jesus? God bless you. Go, and may God's peace be with you.
L-60 Do you believe, sister? O God, Author of Life, Giver of every gift, send peace and mercy upon the woman and heal her, I pray in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Do you accept your healing now? All right. God bless you. Go and believe with all of your heart.
Come, sir. Do you believe with all your heart? Now, Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, send mercy upon this man. And let him be healed. And may the spirit of sickness leave him. May his sight come back normal, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Believe with all your heart. All right.
Do you believe? Lord Jesus, I pray for mercy that You'll heal her. May she go from the platform tonight happy and rejoicing, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You believe with all your heart now? All right. Go and rejoice.
L-61 Howdy do? Do you believe? With all your heart? You do. Now, as you walked up here, there's a funny feeling. What it is, you're--you're nervous, upset. See? Now, Jesus Christ can take that from you, if you'll accept it right now. Do you do it? It caused you to have disturbance all the time and things. And--and it's just... It'll wreck your life. You believe that he will give it to... over right...?... and lay it at Calvary and walk away, accepting Jesus Christ's...?... petition for you.
O God, Author of Life, send mercy on my brother, and may he go from here tonight well. And may the evil leave him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Now, go saying, "Thank You." God bless you. That's right. Now, go believing with all of your heart and your soul. Amen. All right.
L-62 Come, lady. Everybody believing with all of your heart now? Now, those people, regardless of what's said to them, they--they get healed anyhow. Do you believe in it? Every... See, you could talk to the person just a few moments, visions. Every one shows what's wrong. But if you don't have to tell the people... Now, if you will, be reverent as you can, while we're praying.
Now, what do you think, sister? Do you believe with all your heart? You believe me to be His servant? Believe that God will make manifest His glory here tonight? You do it?
There's a strange case about yours. You are--you're upset about somebody else. You're worrying about... It's a soldier or something. It's a boy, a young man. Isn't that right? And... Now, just a minute. Look to me again, if you will. Yes. He--the's a boy, that...
L-63 Oh, he's not a soldier now. He was. And he--he went overseas and he went a Christian. And he... Something took place overseas. He had a--an accident... No, there was somebody else. Oh, his buddy died in his arms or was killed or something another. And then he returned back and he's been... I see a young lady, something another, standing... Oh, it's a--a trouble. And now, the boy is just about mentally gone.
Is that right? Is that the truth? If it is, raise up your hand. You want deliverance for that boy? Do you accept it tonight? You will? Almighty God, have mercy on the woman. Give her her desire. As that woman come one time and said to our Lord Jesus, "My daughter is home variously vexed with a devil..."
He said, "It's not meet to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs."
She said, "Yea, Lord. But the dogs eat the scraps that falls from the master's table."
He said, "Go. And as thou has believed, be it unto thee."
And, O Jesus, to confirm Your Word, help me tonight. And may she go and find it as she has believed, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
You accept now deliverance for that boy? And his salvation back to Jesus Christ again? Go and may you find it so. God bless you.
L-64 How do you do, sister? You believe with all your heart? Believe God will make you well? Heal you of the kidney trouble and let you get well? Go an... You believe that? Lord, I pray that You'll heal her. May it go from her tonight and she be made well. In Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you now. Go and...
L-65 All right, come. Lord, have mercy on this man and heal him, I pray. Grant Your mercies to be upon him and cast away this evil one, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You believe? With all your heart? Go in peace. God be with you.
Come. You believe with all your heart? You had... That's a hoarse... Isn't that a demon? Just simply torments you day and night, and no peace, can't rest, and nothing else. Restless at night, just no sleep... Just a minute.
There's a lady setting right back there, looking this a way. She's got the same thing: restless, sleepless at night. Setting right back there in the... that section just where it crosses across back there. You want to accept your healing too, lady back there?
L-66 If you do, and will believe with all your heart, you can stand up, and be made well with her. Do you believe it with all your heart, the little lady sitting there with the--the nervous condition? If you believe it and want to accept it, you can have your healing the same time you have yours.
Do you believe that you'll be made well? O Lord, may Thy mercies come upon this woman and may she be healed in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Now, look lady, you're healed. Go on your road rejoicing, thanking God for His goodness.
Have faith in God.
L-67 How do you do? If that heart would beat good again, you'd be a happy woman, wouldn't you? You believe it will? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll help her, God, as she humbly bows. And may Your Spirit make her whole. And as I lay hands on her, as a believer, with these hundreds of Christians praying, we ask for mercy for her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, may God's peace be with you.
Brother McDowell, looks a lot like your mother, doesn't it?
Father, I pray that You'll heal the woman. May she go from here tonight, happy, rejoicing, and well, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing, being happy.
L-68 All right sir, come now. Do you believe you'll get well if I'd ask God for you? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make him completely whole. Have mercy upon him, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
How old are you? Seventy-three. Certainly don't look to be seventy-three. Well, that's fine. You love the Lord Jesus? Uh-huh. You believe He's made you well? You want to get over that epilepsy? Believe it with all your heart that God will make you well? You do? Stand up on your feet. When He healed him, He healed you the same time. Stand up, young man. God bless you. Now, go and may God's peace be with you.
L-69 You believe? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go tonight and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go and God's peace with you.
Do you believe with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make her well. May she go from here tonight rejoicing and happy, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Go believing now, with all your heart.
Amen. Now, everyone please be just reverent as you can be. Because, see, spirits scream and cry for mercy. I want you to understand that. They cry for mercy.
L-70 One will call to the other one. And one will call... It's just like Christians, when we pray, that gathers up a--a barricade like. When you're praying and believing me... Jesus could do no mighty works in His own town because the people didn't believe. And the only way I can help you, or Brother Osborn, or anybody, is when you have faith in us, as ministers of the Word of God. You've got to believe us. [Matthew 13:54-58]
And when them demons... They're calling for one another, like that. And they scream and pull. Pray out there and find out if it's not right. Sure. God bless you. All right.
Come, lady. God bless you. I see you're very nervous, upset. You believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God? Do you believe me to be His prophet? You do. Now, that... I'm saying that humbly. 'Cause the Angel said if you get the people to believe you and be sincere...
L-71 Are we perfect strangers, lady? I don't know you, and you don't know me. But God knows us both. All the food we ever eat and the air we ever breathe, He gave it to us. Is that right? You must have Him now or die. You know that, for you got cancer. Do you know that? That cancer is on the breast, isn't it? And it's on the right breast, is that right?
Now, just a moment. There it is again. There's other cancer cases in here. You believe with all your heart? That lady setting right there has got cancer of the throat, haven't you, lady? Stand up. God bless you. May you both go and get healed. Satan, come out of them, and leave them alone, thou evil spirit. We adjure thee by the living God, for we are the Church of God and you have no charge over them. Come out of them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you. Go and God's peace be upon you.
L-72 Have faith. God bless you, my sister. Now, rise up on your feet for your arthritis has left you now. Stomp your feet up-and-down. There you are. Now, you are... Amen. Amen. All right.
Can you... Do you believe? How long you been this way? Many years. Which one? If it's a... You believe that it would... If--if God will you your sight and make you back normal even... Lord Jesus, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may the devil leave the woman. May she go home and be well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, you might ask why I spoke to that woman. That woman was... saw in a vision that she was to come and kneel down here on this platform and be healed (What about that, lady?), from your arthritis. You had a promise of that, that if you'd come and kneel there, that you'd be healed. That's exactly right. Amen. See? [Mark 11:22]
L-73 God is still God. Jesus Christ, Who raised from the dead and He lives among His peoples today, believest thou this? Have faith in God. I say, "Have faith in God."
Come, lady. You believe? Lord Jesus, while Your Spirit is anointing the people, may everyone be healed. Grant this woman included, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go, thanking God. Just go rejoicing and happy.
Are you believing, sister, as you come? Merciful God, I pray for that You'll heal her. May the evil leave as we curse it as the Church of the living God, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go, thanking God. That's right. Be happy.
Do you believe? Lord Jesus, cursed be the devil that binds our sister. May he come out, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Go rejoicing, being happy. Amen. [Mark 11:22]
L-74 You believing, everywhere? Now, you all are praying too, I believe. And I know these ministers here are praying. The people are being healed. God is moving. And their faith is lifted up and anything can just happen now.
How do you do, lady? What do you think about this? You have a little cross on your bosom there. Do you--you believe in that cross, that Jesus take your place up at Calvary there? You do. You're very upset too. You have some kind of a coughing condition. It's asthmatic. Isn't that right? You want to get over it? Say, "I accept Jesus as my Healer now." And may the cursed thing leave her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Go, praising God, and be over it.
L-75 All right. Come, lady. You believe Him with all your soul and mind that you can be made well. Is that right? You have the worst disease, the--the disease that kills more people than anything else: heart trouble. But look, there was a heart that was pierced there with a sword one day to make you well. You accept it? Go, and God's peace be upon you and make you well. All right.
Come. All right. A little girl and her eyes. You believe that Jesus will make you well? Jesus bless this child, who I bless in Thy Name. And may it be healed for the glory of God, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sweetheart. God bless you.
Father, I pray that You'll bless this mother and may she go and God's peace be upon her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Praise the Lord.
All right, come, brother. Having in faith in God, everybody, do not doubt. Only believe, all things are possible; only believe. You believe that, do you? All right. That's all you have to do, is have faith in God. [Mark 11:22]
L-76 Howdy do? I see you're shaking with palsy. Anyone can see that. Let's talk to the Lord just a minute and see what He will say about you. See you shaking, that's been that way, probably for some time. You also suffer with stomach trouble. Is that right? That's right. It's a ulcer that's caused from a nervous condition, 'cause of burning and so forth in your stomach.
Now, people could see you shaking, so I just thought if there's something else wrong, God would show it. So they didn't see it. Now, the God Who can see you at your home, and knows all about you, will make you well if you'll accept His Son, and refuse to have it any more. And go eat what you want to and straighten out your arms and say, "I ain't going to shake no more." And go home, you will get well. Do you believe it? Accept it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the devil be cursed. Amen...?... rejoicing now. All right.
Have faith in God. Amen. [Mark 11:22]
L-77 Does everyone believe with one accord? With all your heart? With all your soul? With all your mind? With all your strength? Have faith. I say, "Have faith in God."
All right, come, sir. Only God Who is able to do these things is wanting you to have faith in the resurrection of His Son, Christ Jesus, Who lives in His Church today. And every time God can--pronounces a blessing, if you will hold on to it, it has to come to pass.
'Course, I hardly couldn't tell you what one or the other one... I catch it on the tapes down here, what is being said. All right. Now, of course, I have to be... The anointing of the Holy Spirit has me under... Now, it's something that I can't explain. Seems It's over this building hanging here. As it begins to--I begin to weaken, it seems like it's a milky haze all around over the building. [Mark 11:22]
L-78 That's in another dimension that many people know little of. But God lives in that place. And only thing you have to do is not think about your senses, how you feel. Just believe what He said, for the Scriptures cannot be broken. "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it (present tense); it will be given to you (future tense)": Saint Mark 11:24.
Have faith in God. And God will bring it to pass. We cannot heal. We can only declare that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He healed you when He died. He rose again for your justification. And when you believe on Him, you're justified in the sight of God. Then believe that He is risen from the dead. His atonement was for every one of you. Every person, every sick person was healed when Jesus put it in the deposit at Calvary. Amen. [Mark 11:22-24]
L-79 You believe that, sir? With all your heart? I suppose we're strangers, aren't we? We don't know one another, but God knows us both. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. And you believe that--that--that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is present now to--to give to you your desire? And do you believe that He would reveal to me, as He said that He would do after His resurrection, the things that He would do, we'd do also? Do you believe that?
There's something strange... No, you have a, I believe it's a rupture. It's a double rupture. Is that true? And by the way, you're a preacher yourself. You belong to the Assemblies of God. You come from Wisconsin. Is that true? Then go home and get well. May Jesus Christ make you well. All right.
L-80 Come and believe, do you, lady, with the... You believe that God will make you well? Almighty God, have mercy upon her and make her well, in the Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Amen. All right.
All right. Come. Sir, if you'll just take Jesus Christ as your Saviour and... I mean as your Healer, you--you'll never go blind. You believe He will? Then say, "I accept You, Jesus, for the healing of my eyes." You do? Come here. The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." May the blindness of your eyes be cursed, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. Go, and as you believe now, you will receive. [Mark 16:15-18]
L-81 Now sister, that heart trouble will leave and it'll beat normal and well again if you'll believe it. Do you do it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you receive it. Amen. Go and may God's peace be with you now. Go. Now, that's all right. Go, thanking God, believing with all your heart and with all your soul.
All right. You want to get rid of that arthritis that's crippling...?... up. You believe God will make you well? Now, look lady. You've been that way, and God knows that--that it--it's going to take faith to do it. But now look, why do you... You can't get well by doctors. They--they've give that up.
L-82 So let's you and I just believe right now and accept it, and go on on faith. Will you believe it? Cursed be the devil that's bound this woman. May it leave her in Jesus' Name.
Now, would you do me--believe me as God's servant? Raise your feet up-and-down like this. Don't--don't fear. Raise your feet up like that. Now, let's you and I walk off the platform like we were... Let's go real fast. Yes. Now, just raise your feet real high now. Now, come right on down and thank God. All right.
You believe with all your heart, lady, as you come. In the Name of Jesus the Son of God, may the de--enemy leave your body. Amen. Go, believing now. Don't doubt nothing. And believe with all your heart.
L-83 Now, sister, you'll never be bothered with that demon oppression any more, if you'll just believe Jesus. Will you do it? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the devil leave this girl. Go in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Now, just a moment. Something happened. What--what was on that cord--recording? What was wrong with that woman? Nervous, nervous. Nervous? Was it nervous? Yes, then... It was something struck somewhere, right out... Oh, it's a man setting there with prostate trouble, setting right in there. Don't... Didn't you have prostate trouble, sir? All right. You're over it now, get up. Jesus Christ makes you well. Amen.
Oh, the devil is conquered in Calvary, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Have faith in God.
L-84 Do you believe, setting there, lady, right next to him? You have something another on your temple, has got it covered up. But it's a growth. Is that right? Do you accept your healing now, from Jesus Christ? All right. As you have believed, so be it unto you. Amen.
All right. Do you believe, sir, as you're coming? Do you come unto me as God's servant? You believe with all your heart? Then...?... [The man says, "I'm here in answer to an Angel's directions."--Ed.] All right, sir. Then you're here to get rid of smoking cigarettes. Go...
[, A brother gives testimony of an Angel sending him to Brother Branham to be delivered of smoking cigarettes.]
L-85 Be with you, it's finished. God bless you. Amen. Bow your head just a moment, a deaf...
O God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy peace upon this man. Make this deaf spirit that's binding him come out. O Christ, the Creator of heavens and earth, may Thy blessings rest upon him. And may this demon that's caused him to be this a way, leave him tonight. And may from this night on, he be shown mercy by God, I ask in Jesus Christ's Name.
Now, with the audience with their heads bowed, please. Satan, come out of the man. Thou deaf spirit, in Jesus Christ's Name, I adjure thee as a servant of God.
L-86 Hear me? [A man says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] Do you hear me? Here? Say, "Amen." ["Amen."] You can raise your head. The man's healed. Say, "Amen." ["Amen."] I love the Lord. ["I love the Lord."] You are healed. I want to ask you something. Do you believe me to be His servant? If you see this hanging on you here, just something to see that, 'cause it's called deafness. Let's you and I talk just a moment.
You believe me to be His prophet? As a servant? You do. You'd have to. Your earphone is out and you standing there hearing me talk like this. I'm talking just a normal voice. And you're hearing me. Now, yes. Yeah, there was one time that you smoked cigarettes, but you stopped it. Is that right?
L-87 And listen, you've had a, some kind of an operation, of the throat or something, is that right? And it hasn't healed up just right, or it wasn't successful. Is that... It's--it's gone now...?... God bless you. Hallelujah.
Do you believe with all your heart? Just a moment.
Lady, laying on the stretcher. Do you believe me to be God's servant? Lady, you setting there by her, look this way to me. You that's talking to her. Look this a way. Let's see what's wrong with her. All right. Have faith in God.
You... It's a high blood pressure. And it's also a arthritis that's got you bound. Circulation in your body doesn't travel right, either. Is that true? If it is, raise up your hand. If that's true. Lady setting there next to her, if she... The rebounds coming back. She can't hear. I see it up over her. She's been cared for... All right.
L-88 Brother Boze? All right. Tell her that I said if she believed me as God's servant, to rise up off the stretcher and go home and be made well.
Are you believing with all your heart?
Take her by the hand, the arthritis will leave her. If you'll just do what--if you believe with all your heart. All right.
Are you believing with all your heart? There she comes from being bound, packed in here with arthritis. There she is perfectly normal and well. Take up your bed, go to your home, lady. Jesus Christ has made you whole.
Let us give God praise. Hallelujah. From whom all blessings...

53-0830e - Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 27 - 51)
L-28 I wonder tonight if He was standing here in a body of flesh, where would He take the flesh to when He seen the wickedness of this world? See the end time approaching, what would Saint Paul do if he was standing in Chicago tonight? He'd probably... I don't know, they'd probably have him arrested, him seeing his words that he spoke under inspiration, how they would be having a form of godliness, denying the power thereof. And how that the things would be taking place, hard telling what he would do.
All right, bring your... Oh, is this... How do you do, sir? Well, it's a very warm evening, isn't it? Yes, sir. Very warm. But our--our blessed Saviour, there's something so sweet about Him, that when we're near His Presence, we don't notice nothing but just Him. That's right.
L-29 Now, I suppose that you and I would be strangers. I probably don't know you. As far as I know, I never seen you in my life. You never met me before. Yes, sir. Well, then... But our Lord Jesus, down through the span of life, He knew you when you were born, and before you was born. And He knew me the same way. And all down through life, He's fed us and taken care of us. And what we are tonight, we are by the grace of God. And that's why we're standing here tonight.
And I'm standing here as your brother, to do anything in the world that I could to help you. And if I didn't think that God would answer my prayer for the sick people, under this commission of an Angel who met me, my dear brother, I would be home tonight with my family. But I'm--I'm here... And I have a little church down there, I'd be preaching in it, just have my service and go on and do my rest of my work, and be along with my babies and so forth through the week. But I believe that God has commissioned me to do these things. Therefore, I come to help you.
L-30 To help you what? To believe on the Lord Jesus. See? It's all I can do. What all that can be done for you, He's already done it. But now, the only thing... maybe just something to kind of boost your faith up to see it, you know. That's why you're here, isn't it, to try to receive something from God? That's right.
Now, the... But He--He will grant it. No man ever come to Him empty and went away desiring to be filled, but what was full. And those who come full, they went away empty. See? But you've come emptying out your soul for your need. You are a sick person. And your--your trouble's in your neck. Isn't that right? Yes, sir. That was caused from an accident. I... Seem like I seen a big something drop. It was--it was a bale of hay that struck you, is that right? Yes, sir. [Isaiah 53:5]
L-31 Yes, sir. It was... When you looked this a way, something struck. You're interested in somebody down here. It's that baby laying there. That's your son. Is that right? I see it before you again, laying in your arms. Do you believe He's here to help you, brother? Come here.
O God, Author of Life, Giver of all good gifts, send Thy mercy upon this man who I ask for mercy for. Grant, Lord, the healing of him and his people also. And may Thy Spirit be upon him, Lord. May he be blessed and helped. May he be healed, Your glory be upon him, Father. I pray this blessing as I lay hands upon him in the Name of Jesus Christ. And I hold him close to my body, not that there'd be virtue in man, but we remember Elijah, who laid his body upon the dead baby and it came to life. And I pray that You heal this man, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God's peace be with you, brother. Go in peace. God heal you.
L-32 How do you do. My, you're... fine looking little lady. Yes. Now, do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ died to help you, honey? You do that? Now, you're just a little girl. See? And your little mind is innocent yet. But... And now, I--I--I can talk to you. See? And God will help you because you're just a child. See? But if Jesus was here tonight, standing here at the platform, now, He would... He'd come over... He loved little children. And He'd take and look at you, and He'd lay His hands upon you. And--and if there's anything wrong with you, why, you'd get well, wouldn't you? You'd get well.
That's the innocence of a child. That childlike simplicity is what touches the heart of God. She knows right now that something's taking place. The little girl... The Spirit of the Lord is on the child now. And He would make you... He'd bless you and you'd get well. You believe that, don't you?
L-33 Now, do you believe that He has risen from the dead and He's here tonight in the form of the Holy Spirit? And that He lives in His Church? That may be a little deep for you, but do you believe that Jesus sent Brother Branham to--to do His work? You believe that? You do.
You've got something, and it's--it's in... I can't... Yes. It's in your nose, up in here. You kinda have a--like a sneezing or a hay fever or something like that, isn't it a hay fever? I could see you keep holding your nose and your eyes turning red and things. I couldn't make out whether it was just you was subject to bad colds or what it was. But it's a hay fever. Now, honey, hay fever isn't a disease. Hay fever is a little skin that's in your nose. Some people has three layers of skin; others have two layers of skin, and some just has one layer. When them little burrs get in there, that's what causes it to burn and hurt like that, makes you sneeze and have headaches and everything. And...
L-34 Just a moment. You've had an accident too, haven't you? You fell out of a car. And it hurt you in your spine. Isn't that right? That's right. And you've got a father that's with you, that's brought you here. And he has a hernia. He was just been in a healing meeting of some sort. There's a man that's kind of tall, black hair. I believe it was Brother Freeman (Is that right?) that prayed for him. Is that true?
And your mother's sick. She was at the doctor and he said she had enlarging of the heart. Is that true? Do you believe God will make all of you well? Come here.
My Lord, and my Father, I pray Thee to be merciful to this little girl, and bless her, Lord, in whom I bless in Thy Name. And to this innocent little child, Thou has said in Thy Word, "Whatever you bind on earth, I will bind it in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, I will loose it in heaven." We know that You're here to confirm Your Word. And You confirm not one of Your Words, but all Your Words. Therefore, as Your representative, I loose this child of this demon. In Jesus Christ's Name, may it go out of her. [Matthew 16:19], [Matthew 18:18]
L-35 Now, honey, you're all right. See? Now, you go home, and when you go to your daddy, you lay hands over on him, 'cause he hasn't gotten well yet. And when you get over home, take this same hand and lay it on mother, she'll get well too. God bless you. And you do that.
Let us say, "Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ." [Congregation says, "Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ... "] Who gives us our victory tonight through Calvary, through His blessings. Oh, we say, "Praise be unto God." [Congregation responds--Ed.]
L-36 All right. Would you come? I just want to pray for your baby. Put your hand over on its little head, the water.
Lord Jesus, my heart's just aching for that little one. I pray, Thee to be merciful and... The mother with the hand on the child, the very fruit of her womb, the core of her heart... O God, take away everything, and may the baby be healed. We ask this in Jesus' Name, for God's glory. Amen.
All right. Be of a good courage, mother, now. I tell you what you do. When you go home tonight... The evil one left the baby. Now, it's a been prayed for and everything and you're a little bit... You're--you try to make yourself with an emotional faith. Don't do that. Just have a solid faith. You take that baby home tonight, and you see whether I've told you true. You put a string around its head and measure. Then cut that string off even. And then in twenty-four hours, put that same string around there, you'll cut something off of the string, and you'll know that I've told you the truth. And if that's true, then you remember I... Then have faith and believe.
L-37 How do you do, sir? I suppose that we are strangers, you and I. God knows us both. He knows all about us. He's fed us all the days of our life. And everything that we ever was come from God. And all that we ever will be, will have to come from the goodness of our heavenly Father.
Look this way just a minute. I'd like to talk to you just for a few minutes. You are... You believe now that--that God is... I wish you would stand right here, if you would just a moment. All right. Thank you, sir. You suffer with a stomach trouble. It's a nervous upset stomach, keeping you upset all the time. You're not from this city. You come from, I'd say Ohio, near a lake, though Cleveland. Is that right?
You're Assembly of God preacher. And you've been to the General Council. You're on your road home. You've got a sick wife. Where's that handkerchief? You been saying that you was going to bring a handkerchief. Hand it here to me. That's for your sick wife, isn't it? You believe she's going to get well? She's got a inward trouble she's suffering with.
Lord, be merciful. Grant the healing of his wife, and also of our brother. And may he go, and God's peace be upon him, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen.
Go home, lay this on her and you'll both get well. Have faith.
L-38 Aren't you suffering with a nervous trouble, setting there? And you're a preacher also, aren't you? Stand up; you was healed the same time he was. You was healed the same time. God bless you. Excuse me. I didn't know that was setting there, Brother Boze.
The same thing that was wrong with that man there, was your trouble. All right, you're well now. Go, and God bless you.
Oh, how you should believe on our Lord. What more would He have to do? Will you have faith in Him now? Believe Him with all your heart. I'm beginning to get weak, and I... Well...
How do you do? Do you believe with all your heart? You do. You... You're in trouble. You're not sick; only you're nervous. You're upset. It's a mental distress like, because you're halting between two opinions what you must do in life. Yours is not a sickness. You have a child, don't you? A boy. You're having family trouble at home. Isn't that right? And you don't want a divorce in your family. You don't know what to do.
L-39 And you're not from this city. You come from Michigan. Is that right? Now, you believe with all your heart, God will grant you your--your request. I pray... There's only one thing you can do: That's believe on the Lord. And then you go and... I'd advise you one thing to do. Go, receive the baptism of the Spirit, live for God all your life, and everything will work just right.
Now, if God can tell me what is your--what was your trouble, and what is your trouble now, He can surely tell me the way out of it. Is that right? That's your avenue. Will you receive it? Come here.
Lord, be merciful to this woman. Grant unto her that she may receive the Holy Spirit and may all of her troubles leave. Grant it, Father. I bless her for this purpose in Jesus Christ's Name, that the baby be raised in a Christian atmosphere and both father and mother filled with the Spirit. Grant it, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-40 Now, your husband isn't with you. But when you go home, I trust to God that you'll find it different. Are you ready to believe you will? Now, just as you believe that's just what... I know he doesn't. But I say when you go home, you're going to believe you're going to find him--things better. He's going to receive you and things are go... You believe that? As you have believed, that's just the way it'll be to you. God bless you. Peace of God be with you.
Young man, setting up there in the balcony, you kinda have a spiritual trouble too, don't you? Mental distress, upset. Is that right? You want to accept your healing now? Stand up on your feet then and accept your healing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. See? God bless you, young man.
Believe on the Lord. You want to get over a heart trouble, lady? Say, "I accept my healing." God bless you.
Father, may she receive this now, in Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. Amen. God be with you and go with you and help you and make you well.
All right. Have faith. All right, come lady. Are you believing? Well, if she was healed with heart trouble and you with the same thing, can't He heal you too? You believe He will? God bless you.
Lord, I pray that this will be so. May her faith not fail, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Have faith in God. Believe with all your heart. God will grant it to you, your desire.
L-41 Little minister, you believe on the Lord now with all your heart. If you do, you'll receive what you've asked for. See? God bless you. You go back to your church a different person.
You'll never go blind, if you will receive Jesus Christ and believe with all your heart that He makes you well. You believe it? Go. God be with you, and help you, and heal you too. All right.
You believe Him? See better now. Sure, it's gone from you. The blind spirit left you when you raised up. Now, go and sin no more.
You believe Him with all your heart?
How do you do, young lady? Do you believe that you're standing in God's Presence, in His sanctuary here tonight? You do. You believe me to be His servant? Do you believe the story that I tell about that Angel is the truth? You do. Sister, you're anemia. There's something wrong in your blood concerning water. And now... But you'll never get any better until you get straightened up with God. You know that. And you know what I'm meaning right now. So I just won't have to say it here.
But will you promise that you'll serve God all your life and you'll, all these things, you'll just forsake and go on and serve God. Will you do it? Then I'd go right down there to the altar and kneel down, and straighten that up with God, and you'll get over that anemia condition. God bless you. Have faith and believe with all your heart, and God shall bring it to pass.
Now, have faith and be merciful. Believe with all your heart. All right.
L-42 Will you come? How do you do? You believe? With all your heart? Kind of a tumorous condition, isn't it? Something about the nose, it's up in your nose; it's growths inside your nose and could be tumor. You also have a varicose veins. I see them on your... Now you know, few people knowed that. But God knows it. You believe if I asked Him along with this church people here... We're here deeply in sincerity. You believe He will let you get well? Come here.
Merciful Father, grant that the curse of this sickness, disease, will leave the woman. May she go and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. That's the way to do. Go, believing with all your heart. Right.
L-43 God bless you, mother. You know something struck you there. See? That was... Your faith has been coming, 'cause you been praying. And even in the rest of the meetings, you said, "If I could ever get up there, I'd be healed." And that heart trouble would leave you and you wouldn't be bothered with it. Isn't that right? I'm not reading your mind, but that's what you said.
Now, as you have believed, so has it happened to you. God bless you. Go...?...
Believe and you... There's nothing can stand in His Presence as long as He's here. Do you all believe? With all your heart? That's the way. The only way you can be made well.
And besides your eye trouble, you have a--something in your side too, don't you? When that man passed a few moments ago and I said about eyes, a real cold feeling went over you, didn't it? That's when you were healed. I just wanted to be sure that I know what I was talking about. God bless you.
L-44 You had an ulcerate stomach. Now, go and eat what you want to. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Come, lady. You also had ulcerate stomach. And you got female trouble too. You believe that He makes you well? God bless you. Go, and may the Lord God bless you and make you well. Amen. Have faith in God.
If you can believe... Jesus said, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."
You want to get over that gallbladder trouble, setting there sister? Yeah. You want to get over it? Well, just accept your healing and God will make you well, right there where you're setting, right. Amen. God be with you.
L-45 Poor little thing, sitting there praying. She... You were very kind to that woman to help her up there. You have a trouble too, don't you, sister? I see a darkness around you. It's concerning your husband at home. Isn't that right? Mentally distressed. Isn't that right, sister? Let's... You stand up. And let's you and I have prayer for him.
Lord Jesus, we feel so sorry for our brother, may he be healed. Grant it, Lord. May he get well. In Jesus' Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister.
Now, only have faith...
L-46 Are you believing, lady, with your hand up praying, over there, the colored lady, setting there? You believe with all your heart? You believe me to be His prophet? You do. If God can reveal to me where your trouble is and what... Will you accept Jesus as your Healer? You will. All right. You got a tumor. And you got stomach trouble too, haven't you? Now, do you accept Jesus as your Healer? God bless you.
Wasn't that a strange thing that struck you just then, sister, setting, the white lady, setting right this side of her there? 'Cause you had kind of a condition too. It's on the... on your shoulder. Isn't that right? A tumor of a kind. Is that right? All right. That's when it struck you also. God bless you.
Now, the next lady has got her hand up there too, setting right next to you. Do you believe me to be His prophet, lady? The elderly lady sitting there... You've got--you've got veins. It's a varicose--varicose... No, it isn't. It's something in the veins. It's--it's inward...?... It's hardening of the arteries. Isn't that right? I seen the vein but it was on the inside. All right, go home now and get well. All of you...?... Jesus Christ make you well.
Have faith in God.
L-47 Little minister, I trust that God will give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and fix you up, and give you the desire of your heart. The little Methodist preacher, setting there, God bless you, brother.
There's a woman setting right behind you there, that's wearied. She's concerned... When I was talking to this lady here with the flowers on her hat, it was... She's concerned too. It's about a loved one, I believe, that's in a hospital. You believe Him with all your heart? A soldier boy or something another. That boy's in a country where there's a lot of big pine trees a blowing. Isn't that right? He's kind of... There's something wrong mentally. He's in a hospital. And I'm going to say that's either Washington, or Oregon, one. Is that right? Washington. A government hospital, 'cause I see orderlies with soldier clothes on, ministering. Is that right? Let's you and I stand up and pray for the boy.
L-48 Almighty God, across this nation, down on the yonder side, that lovely country, I pray that God Almighty will send down His blessings upon that poor boy that was... suffered. And I pray that You'll heal him and may he get to come home, being normal and well. I pray Father, that You'll grant this along with the rest of Thy Church, we ask these blessings in Jesus' Name. Amen.
All of you can be made well. How many more? Just this one? Now, before the lady gets here, she's deaf. Let's bow our heads, everyone.
L-49 Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy Spirit upon this woman and bless her, who I bless in Thy Name. Creator of heavens and earth, be merciful to those who are deaf. We realize that the spirit of the devil would cause them to be killed if he could. I pray for mercy for our sister. And may the enemy leave her this night. And may she serve You all her life. I ask this deaf spirit to leave the woman. Come out of her, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
This... Do you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Say, "Amen." [A lady says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I love God." ["I love God."] Now, let me try back. "I love God." ["I love God."] "Praise the Lord." ["Praise the Lord."] You are healed. Here, she can hear normally. Listen, let's see. It was the left ear was deaf. "Amen." ["Amen.] "Praise the Lord." ["Praise the Lord."]
L-50 []... female trouble. I just seen it left her, just behind the Brother Ryan. God, be merciful right...
[] Oh... O Father, You hear that, Lord. I pray that Your Spirit settle over this building just now. O Eternal God, how long will You suffer the people? May it be so tonight, that every believer here will receive their healing, just now.
L-51 May they look there to Calvary, where we're humbly trying to represent. Bless O eternal God, and may each of them be healed tonight. May there be no doubt in their hearts. But may just now, as Your servant is very weak, I pray that the prayer of faith... I believe, Lord, that I get what I ask for, for I ask it in the Name of Jesus.
And Your Scripture cannot be broken. And You said, "Whatever you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have it." I now ask for every demon that's bound any of these people, to come out of them just now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Rise and accept your healing. [Mark 11:22-25]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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