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Prayer Line 65-03
65-pl-03, Prayer Line 65-03, 66 min

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65-0426 - Embassy Hotel, Los Angeles, CA (Paragraphs: 209 - 377)
L-210 Now you pray, and let's see if these things that I have said is the truth. God help it to be so. I don't say that He will. I hope that He will. I'm trusting that He will. He has never let me down yet, over the years, across and around the world, with all kinds of nations, and millions of people. He has never failed me yet. And I'm sure, just as sure as I believe I'm standing here, He won't fail me now.
L-211 I'm going to ask you just to be reverent and keep seated, just for a few moments. We're going to dismiss the main audience and pray for the sick, just in a moment.
L-212 But I want you, you believers, that if you'll just not look to me, but believe. Say, "I believe that what the man said is the Scripture. I don't know as we're as far up in the time as he says we are. But, if it is, then it's got to happen. If his Words are God's Words, then, his words will fail but God's Words won't."
L-213 God is obligated to back up His Word. He'll prove It. He'll prove It. "He that believeth on Me." He proved that this is the last day. He proved what would happen. He proved that this was supposed to happen. [John 5:24], [John 6:35]
L-214 And, remember, Abraham and his group never received one more sign from God, until the promised son arrived. How many knows that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That sign of discernment! And the royal Seed of Abraham, let me hear you... Let me tell you. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're receiving your last sign. That's according to the Scriptures and the revelation of God that's in my heart, that speaks that this is the Truth. And I trust that you will believe it to be the Truth. [Genesis 18:9-15]
L-215 Now you believe. Everybody just believe, say, "Lord Jesus, let me touch You. I have a need in my heart, and I know Brother Branham knows nothing about me. I don't even know the man, he don't know me, but You know. And if he has told me the Truth, this will happen." I ask you, don't move now, just for a little bit. Be real...
L-216 See, you're spirit. And I take every spirit in here under my control, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that His Word might be fulfilled.
L-217 Now just be reverent. Pray. Look to Him, say, "Lord, I believe it. Help Thou my unbelief."
L-218 Let's start. I have to concentrate on some sort of the part of the building here, 'cause, see, so many of you, and each one of you is a spirit.
L-219 I cannot. You say, "What about me?" I could not tell you. It's sovereign. All the works of God is sovereign. There will be many people healed crossing this platform, tonight, there will probably be many not. It's all in the sovereign of God. Who can tell Him what to do? No one. He works according to His Own will, His Own plan.
L-220 But you just believe. Be humble. Don't be nervous. Just reach out for God, and say, "Lord God, I believe it." See? "Let me touch Your garment. I have need of such-and-such. I know the brother don't know me or know my need, but he told us about these things that You did, and say that You're here the same today."
L-221 That don't exclude you brethren here on the platform, any of you. I just ask you, my brethren, as fellow workers of the--of the Gospel of Christ. I speak to you just as sincerely as I know, as a--a dying man with you, see, leaving this world. We've got to leave. And I must give an account at the Day of Judgment, for what I say. I'm conscious of that, very conscious. And I appreciate you man, what you are, standing here with me, helping me. I'm trying to help you, to do everything I can, for the Kingdom-of-God's sake.
I'm praying and asking.
L-222 Here, how many ever seen that Light in the picture? You seen the picture of It? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There It hangs right there. Can't you see It?
L-223 It's up over that lady sitting there with her handkerchief. She is praying for a loved one. That's right, lady. [The lady says, "That's right, Brother Branham."--Ed.] That loved one... Do you believe me to be His prophet, or pardon me, His servant? ["I sure do."] You believe that? All right. Now, if God can reveal to me what's wrong, why, you will accept it to be from God, just as the woman that touched His garment? Now, you know you're--you're twenty or thirty feet from me, or more, you never touched me. But you've touched Something, that you know you're in contact with Something, Someone. What it is, it's for a woman, which is your daughter. That's right. Do you believe that she'll be made well? She is a dope addict. ["That's right."] That's exactly right. ["That's right, brother."] I see her swimming, drunk. See? Now, the handkerchief that you have in your hand, you place upon her, and don't doubt. I believe that God will deliver her. Will you believe it with me? Amen. ["Oh! Thank You, Jesus!"]
L-224 Now, I don't know the woman, but God knows her. Do you believe now with all your heart?
L-225 The man sitting up there with the striped shirt on, with a hernia, you believe that God would heal you and make you well? Do you believe that He'll do it? I've never seen the man in my life. You have a prayer card, sir? [The man says, "No, I don't."--Ed.] You don't have? You don't need one.
"If thou canst believe!"
L-226 Here sits a woman trying to look over the top of this woman sitting right here. She is a stranger to me. But she is real nervous. I don't know her. I've never seen her, in my life. But God knows her, and she realizes right now she is in contact with Something. You've been praying there for some cause. The reason that you are, you can't stay no longer than tonight. You must leave the meeting. You're planning on going to your home, tomorrow. You're not from here, or neither are you from California. You're going east from here. You're going by air. You're planning, going by air. You're from Oklahoma. Yeah. That's right.
L-227 You are also in a dying condition. You come here to be prayed for. You do not have a prayer card. But you believed that you're going to be healed, if you could only get here. That's right. Also, your condition is cancer. The cancer is in the bone. Do you believe you're going to be healed now? You believe you're in contact with Him, my sister? Perhaps God will tell me who you are, then would that help you? If it is, raise up your hand if you believe that, that (God) it would help you. Alright, Mrs. Steel, you can return to Oklahoma.
I don't know the lady. I have never seen her.
L-228 Here is a lady sitting right back here behind her. She is suffering with varicose veins. And she has also got a son that's an alcoholic, and she is praying for him. If she'll believe, she can be healed. Mrs. Mason, will you believe with all your heart, and believe that Jesus Christ will grant the healing to you? You do?
L-229 All right, then lay your hand on that lady sitting next to you there, she is praying for her husband that's unsaved. God will grant the healing.
Let us pray.
L-230 Dear God, I pray that You'll grant that blessing to her. Give that woman the desire of her heart, Lord. Her faith is so close to You, it's touched You. And I pray, Father, that You'll help, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-231 Now believe with all your heart, that you receive it. Will you do that? All right. God bless you.
L-232 Do you believe your husband is going to be saved, lady? Do you believe with all your heart? Raise up your hand, you do.
L-233 There seems to be, before me, a woman that's very heavy. There she sits. You believe me to be God's servant? You believe me to be God's servant? You do? All right. I do not know you. What your trouble is, is glands. You're overweight. You've been to a doctor, he said he could do nothing about it, but that was an earthly doctor. See? Your... You just had a lot of sorrow. You've lost your husband. You're not from here. You're really from Arkansas. You're seeking work, also, and you can't find work. You was afraid that, something, you wouldn't get called. But your faith now has touched God. My sister, you go, believe. God give you a job, give you the desire of your heart.
L-234 God proves His Word to be true. Do you believe that to be so? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now I just want you to pray with me again.
L-235 Father, God, You are the same God that proved. When You said, "The girl is not dead, she is asleep," then You had to prove it. Now, You promised, that just before the coming of the end time, that the Son of man would reveal Himself in the same manner He did at Sodom. You promised it, Lord. Now You've come to the earth, in the form of the Holy Spirit, and got among us, tonight, we believing people, and have proved it. You have proved Your Word like You did that day. Lord, we need no more proof. You're among us. We love You. And we realize that this is the last sign just before Your Coming, according to the Scriptures. And all the shadows and types never fail. They have got to be positive.
L-236 So we pray, Father, as Your children come now to be prayed for, that every one will be healed. May there not be a sick person left among us, at the end of this healing service. O dear God, will You let Your anointing be so graciously upon Your people just now, that every one of them may be healed?
L-237 And if there be some here, who is not Your children yet, and upon the basis of these things, that... They have heard the Word and seen the thing done, just exactly proved to the very letter, and Who You are and what You are, that You're here.
L-238 And, Lord, would You--would You bless a lie? Why, certainly not, Lord. But You did promise to bless Your Word, and It would not return void. It would accomplish that which It was purposed for. And now You have did that before us, tonight, beyond any shadow of doubt.
L-239 And with our heads bowed, is there people here that never have believed before, that would like to just raise up your hand? With your head bowed, just raise up your hand. And stand to your feet, and say, "I now believe, with all my heart. And I want to accept Jesus Christ, right now." Would you do that, any people, any people that's here, that hasn't yet accepted Christ, and would want to do it at this time? I won't tell you... You go to the church of your choice. But I'm asking you to receive Jesus Christ while you... You'll probably never be no closer to Him until you see Him in person when He comes in His visible body from the Heavens. Will you now accept Him if you haven't already done it?
L-240 Upon basis of seeing no one here standing, I believe then all of you to be sane, sensible people, and realizing what you're doing. If you're sitting there under this, you remember, "If you're ashamed of Me before man, I'll be ashamed of you before My Father." There was somebody standing up, maybe, yes, in the audience, in the back. [Mark 8:38], [Luke 9:26]
L-241 Dear God, those may, I not see, that's standing, they want to accept You. They realize, Lord, that this has not been done until this time, and now You confirm it and prove that it's so. I pray, Father, that in their hearts, that's strangely moved at this time... How do we know but what this is the last person to come in? This may be the end for Los Angeles. This may be the last soul that'll be born into the Kingdom. We don't know when that times comes. And when it does, the door will be closed, the Body will be complete. It will not be a freak Body or a freak Bride. It'll just have so many members whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, to which Jesus came to take, like Adam, walk right out to save his wife. I pray, God, that You'll receive them now into Your Kingdom. They're in Your hands. Deal with them, Lord, I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-242 God bless each one of you that stood. I didn't know some of you were standing. Some stood in the back, some up in the balcony. Now I want you to do one thing for me. Please understand me. Meet some minister here and talk it over with them, after the church is over. Will you do that? Don't let it fail. If you've never been baptized in Christian baptism, do that next, and then stay with your hands up until you receive the Holy Ghost.
L-243 Now, and many people has prayer cards here. We're going to ask them to stand, and come up here, and I guess walk across. Or shall I have to come... [A man says, "No."--Ed.] I'll not be able to. ["Come from this side over here."] From this side over here, can come out through this way, over on this side, the people who have prayer cards.
L-244 And now if there is any of you that must go, it's... I'm late. I'm sorry. I'll try to do a little better tomorrow night. At... it's ten minutes after ten, by the clock on the wall. Thank you very much for your attendance tonight, and may the God of Heaven bless you. If you'd like to stay and watch the prayer line, you're always welcome. But we're going to start praying for the sick now, and I don't want to hold you unless you want to stay. You're dismissed in the Name of the Lord Jesus. May God's peace go with you and bless you, and give you rest in your bodies, through the night, and grant you good health so you can come back again tomorrow night. God be with you now.
L-245 And let those who have prayer cards stand for prayer now, as universally we pray for the people. Now we want you to know, now, you that's standing with a prayer card, is there any doubt in your life? Is there any, pardon me, any sin in your life that you haven't confessed? If there is, let me ask you this. Don't come into the prayer line with unconfessed sin in your heart. Cause, you must... This is the children's bread, see. And if you're not a Christian, surrender your life to Christ, in the prayer line, then come. It's for the believer. Will you do it? Accept Him first as your Saviour, and then come across the platform, to be prayed for.
L-246 Now I'm going to pray for each individual; not just pass them by, like some kind of a routine. We're in a church now. I think Sister Wyatt has give us the reason that we can stay and pray. [A man says, "Yes, all night, as long as you want."--Ed.] We can stay as long as we want to. And I thank Sister Wyatt and the staff here, for letting us do that. God bless her. Her gallant husband stood on this platform, prayed for sick, until he died, as far as I know, a real soldier of the cross. And now I'm trying to keep on doing the same thing, bless this people.
L-247 And now I pray that each one of you comes past here... You don't have to confess anything that you want to. You don't have to say anything wrong with you. Just come and let me pray for you, and believe.
L-248 Do you believe that God has sent me to do this? Raise up your hand. Remember what the Angel of the Lord said? "If you get the people to believe you, be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before the prayer." And you know that's true. It's been proved, over and over.
L-249 Now I'm going to ask that our Sister Rose, if she will, to play that, Only Believe, or, The Great Physician Now Is Near, or something.
L-250 I want each one of you now in--in fellowship with me. Will you, also, you people that is not in the prayer line, will you be praying for these people? Well, promise them that, by raising up your hand, "I'll be praying, see. We'll all be praying." All right. Yeah.
L-251 I would that you would, if you have to leave, go real quietly now, so that they won't bother while we pray.
L-252 Do you believe it will be over now, sister? [The sister says, "With all my heart."--Ed.]
L-253 Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister, challenge the affliction of her body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it leave her. Amen.
Bless you, sister.
L-254 You believe with all your heart? All your sins are confessed? You're, as far as you know, you're ready to receive your healing?
L-255 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and ask that the affliction of her body will be gone, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-256 All sins are confessed, and you're ready for your healing? You believe, brother? [The brother says, "I believe with all my heart."--Ed.]
L-257 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother, as we know that You're present here, Lord. I pray that You'll heal him, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-258 All sins confessed? No, you don't hear. [Brother Branham speaks slow and distinct because of the sister's deafness--Ed.] You believe that you will hear? [The sister says, "I believe. But I've been deaf."] You believe.
The woman is deaf now. We go pray here.
L-259 Dear God, I pray that You will heal our sister, and take this deafness from her. She is sitting in a closed-off world, where she cannot hear. I pray that You'll grant her healing, through Jesus' Name.
L-260 I'm going to ask the people to keep your head bowed, a minute. I want to see what's happened to her. Now, please, in Jesus Christ's Name, let no one raise their head or eyes. Now, you mustn't do that till I tell you to.
L-261 Can you hear me now? [She says, "Some, distorted." Brother Branham claps his hands once. "I can hear you."--Ed.] Hear me? ["Some."] Can hear? She can hear now. [Brother Branham claps once more.] See? Hear that, some?
L-262 Now you believe with all your heart. You will? And you believe, and God will make you completely well. She said. I just prayed and put my hands on her ears, and she said she could hear something. All right, just go on now, believing that you're going to hear perfect, and you'll hear.
L-263 Is all sins confessed, sister? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You're ready for your healing? ["Yes."]
L-264 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, knowing that in us is no good thing, in ourselves. But we know that we are Christians, borned of the Spirit of God. And we lay hands upon our sister and ask for her healing, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-265 Now you believe you're going to be healed? [The sister says, "Fine!"--Ed.] All right, now you--you are healed. ["Yes!"] That's the way to do it. That's right. Right.
L-266 All sins are confessed? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] And you're ready for your healing? ["Yes."] You believe, by laying on of hands, that the God Who knows the hearts of the people, will make you well? ["I do."]
L-267 Our Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister, as we lay our hands upon her and ask in the Name of Jesus Christ that You'll make her well. Amen.
L-268 How do you do? Of course, you know I know what's wrong with you. [The sister says, "Yeah."--Ed.] But I'm just not saying it; 'cause, you do, it'll--it'll just keep on going on and on. ["All right."] But if you will... Is all sins confessed? ["Yes, sir."] And you believe that God will make you well? ["Yes, sir."] Do you believe the arthritis... I done said it.
L-269 Dear God, I pray that You will help her and make her well. Grant it, in Jesus' Name.
You won't be crippled. Go, believe with all your heart.
L-270 Do you believe that God will make you well? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] All sins are confessed and you are ready for your healing? You believe your back will be all right?
L-271 Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will heal her and make her well. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it be so. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go, believing now.
L-272 Is all sins confessed, sister, you are ready for your healing?
L-273 Dear God, her sins, she says, is confessed. I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, ask for her healing. Amen.
L-274 Are all sins confessed? You must be right, you're very sick, you know that. You know that I know what's wrong with you. And do you believe that God will make you well, heal your heart and make you completely well?
L-275 Dear God, I pray that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll heal her and make her well. May this leave her, Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
God bless you now. Don't doubt. Go, believing.
L-276 Sins all confessed? You're ready for healing?
L-277 Dear Heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon our sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen.
Don't doubt. Go, believing.
L-278 All sins confessed, you're ready for healing?
L-279 Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will heal our brother, will make him well. Grant it, Father. I lay my hands on him, for this purpose, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God bless you. I believe it with all my heart.
L-280 Are you believing now, sister? All sins are confessed and you're ready for healing?
L-281 Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed for Your glory. Amen.
L-282 Now just many times like that, just a touch, as Jesus said, "These signs will follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick." I've begin to notice, in the meetings, that it takes effect fifty percent better than what it does when you call the people in line, have discernment, 'cause you only get to just a few. And, this a way, there is many more gets healed.
L-283 Have you confessed all your sins of unbelief and everything? You believe now that you're going to be healed? [The sister says, "Yes, and delivered."--Ed.]
L-284 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister as I take her hands and ask in the Name of Jesus Christ for her healing. Amen.
God bless you, sister.
L-285 Do you believe now? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] All sins are confessed? ["Yes."]
L-286 Dear God, I lay my hands upon our sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.
God bless you, sister.
Seems like a very small thing, but it's God Who promised it.
L-287 Sins are confessed?
L-288 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal this our sister. As I lay hands upon her in the Name of Jesus Christ, may she go and be well. Amen.
L-289 Sins are confessed?
L-290 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister, as I lay hands upon her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-291 Now as you come with the mechanics, may it strike the dynamics, it'll go to work.
L-292 Sins are confessed? [The sister then answers--Ed.] You are ready.
L-293 Dear God, I pray that You will heal her and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister.
L-294 All sins confessed? [The sister says, "Everything."--Ed.]
L-295 Dear God, as this woman looks me in the eye, I believe that. I pray that You will heal her, in Jesus' Name.
L-296 You just bringing her, are you, sister? You're just bringing her? All right. [The sister says, "She is blind, also."--Ed.] You believe, sister, that God will make you well? [The blind sister says, "I believe God could give me eyesight again."] God bless you.
L-297 Heavenly Father, You're always merciful to the blind, and to the needy. Now they have seen what You've done tonight. So we believe, Lord, this great last sign moving among us now. I ask for this blind woman's sight to come to her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-298 [She which was blind, says, "Thank You, Jesus."--Ed.] Now, report to us now. Report it. ["I will!"]
L-299 [She which brought the blind sister, requests prayer--Ed.] Oh, yes, you believe that God will heal you? ["Hallelujah!"]
L-300 Dear Heavenly Father I lay my hands upon our sister and ask that You heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-301 God bless you, sister. Let us hear how you are, how you get along.
L-302 Do you believe, sister? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.]
L-303 O Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for our sister, trusting that You will heal her now. I lay my hands on her, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now believe. That's right. Just go, believing.
L-304 Do you believe, brother? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] All sins confessed?
L-305 Dear God, I pray that You will heal our brother and make him well, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-306 You believe, sister?
L-307 O God, I pray that, in Jesus Christ's Name, humbly, in the sweetness and meekness of this hour, may the Holy Spirit make this woman whole. [The sister says, "And I ask, pray for my son. I haven't seen him for twenty years."--Ed.] I pray that God will send your son to you, sister, dear. God bless you.
L-308 Dear Father, I pray for our sister here. In the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, may He come now and heal our sister, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bless you, sister.
L-309 Dear God, I pray for my brother, as he stands here and I lay hands upon him, and ask for his healing, in Jesus' Name.
L-310 Bless you, my brother. [The brother says, "God bless you."] All right.
Little boy?
L-311 Dear God, laying hands upon the little one, I bless him in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.
L-312 You believe now, sister? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] You want to be prayed for too?
L-313 Dear God, I pray for her, as I lay hands upon her. Now, this is Your commission, that's what You said do, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You said it, Lord. Amen.
Now, He said that, didn't He? Has to be that way, sister.
L-314 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal our sister and make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
L-315 You've come believing, sister?
L-316 Dear Heavenly Father, I ask Your blessings on our sister, just obeying what You said do. You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick," You said, "they shall recover."
L-317 May I stop here just a moment, to say in this, just to let the people rest a moment, just for a moment. A critic once said, to me, that isn't so. But, you see, He said, "These signs shall follow."
L-318 You've heard my Message on The Trial, putting Jesus on trial. See, He told Noah, "It was going to rain." It never rained for a hundred and twenty years, but it rained anyhow. He told Abraham he'd have a son by Sarah. It was twenty-five years later. He never said when. He said they'd have the son. Twenty-five years later, it happened. See, He didn't say when.
L-319 He said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick. God shall raise them up. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." Is that what He said? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He didn't say they'd jump up and do it right then. He said, "They shall recover." See, that's His promise. That's what we believe. [James 5:15]
L-320 Come, sister. You believe that to be true? [The sister says, "Yes, I do."--Ed.] Then there is no way to keep you from being healed.
L-321 I lay my hands upon sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.
L-322 Do you believe, sister? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] All sins confessed, and ready?
L-323 Dear God, I lay my hands upon sister, in obedience to Your commandment, and ask for her healing, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-324 I want you that's being prayed for, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to report, before these meetings are over, what happens; and just let the audience, the other people, see what really takes place. Maybe tomorrow, next day, or when, you just watch what takes place.
L-325 My mail has showed that it's--it's so much different than just to letting them try, test their own faith. Because, Jesus said, "They lay hands upon them. They lay hands upon them, they shall recover." Now get what He said. He didn't say they'd jump up and run up-and- down the floor. They could do that. But He said, "They shall recover." Is that what He said? That's what He said. That's what I believe. And He is here now, the One that said the Word is here to make it so.
L-326 You believe, sir? [The brother says, "Amen."--Ed.]
L-327 Dear Heavenly Father, upon the confession of his faith and believing, I lay my hands upon him, in Jesus Christ's Name, for his healing.
L-328 Dear God, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. All right.
L-329 Dear Father, I lay my hands upon this woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. You said, "She shall recover."
L-330 Ready for healing, sister?
L-331 Dear God, I lay my hands upon her, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that You'll heal her.
L-332 All right, sister, dear, everything ready for healing? Your faith has now been met, you believe you're going to be well?
L-333 And, God, I lay my hands upon her, in obeying Your commandment, "To all the world, every creature." I lay hands upon her, in Jesus' Name, for her healing.
L-334 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for his healing.
L-335 Dear God, I lay my hands upon my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing.
L-336 []... going down the aisle. I just didn't want to weary you. You'll be alright if you'll believe that now.
L-337 Dear God, I pray that You'll heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-338 []... to help me pray for these people.
L-339 Now we got some handkerchiefs here, and so forth, in here, to be prayed over. And I want you to continue to pray with me now, now, these little parcels, now. I know this sounds very strange for people to pray over a little thing like this. But if you could only come into my office, once, and just watch. If we had kept testimonies through these years, I suppose you couldn't have piled on this platform, that's been healed just by sending out these prayer cloths like this, millions of them, around and around the world. Now, you know what it is--it is?
L-340 Somebody get that handkerchief there for that--that young... You'll know your handkerchief, will you, brother? All right.
L-341 And I have seen little, crippled children healed. And you see, what it is, it's just a point of contact, as Oral Roberts used to say. It's just a point of contact. We pray. Now, we don't do this ourselves, we do this because the Bible commissions us to do this. We all know that's true.
L-342 Now, there is many people that they anoint handkerchiefs, and so forth. Well, now, we think that's all right, sure, but if we just... The Bible didn't say that they "anointed" handkerchiefs.
L-343 "But they took from the body of Paul handkerchiefs." Now see what I was talking about? Now, what they seen, that quickening power that was in Paul, that they knew he was God's servant. They knowed that God was in him. They knowed that everything that he touched was blessed. How many understands that? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] [Acts 19:12]
L-344 You know, I think Paul was quite Scriptural in what he done. Don't you think so? You want me to tell you where I think he got the idea of doing it? [Someone says, "From Elisha."--Ed.] From Elisha, is right. See, Elijah said, "Take this staff and go lay it on the baby." And the prophet sent the staff because he knowed that everything that he touched was blessed. He knew his position. He... if he could just get the woman to believe the same thing.
L-345 Now see, now, the Bible never even said, "They shall pray for the sick." It said, "They shall lay hands on the sick." [Mark 16:18]
L-346 Now just think, the people seen, in the apostle Peter, the Presence of God manifested in this man, insomuch that they--they even laid the people in his shadow, and they were healed. How many knows that's Scriptural? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's just as much Scripture as John 3:16. See, It's all God's Word. Now, the people, you know the shadow of that man did not heal the people.
L-347 But, look, if the power of God was upon that prophet, for years and years after he died, insomuch that a dead man was throwed on his body, his bones. The body wasn't even there; the bones was there. And the Presence of God was upon those bones, until that dead man come to life.
L-348 Now don't you know that that same God that did all those things is right here tonight? To--to me, I think we should be the most happiest people in all the world. Just think of this.
L-349 I--I hope that I haven't impressed my audience to believe that it's something that I do myself. You--you know better than that. I, I am your brother, see, and I am just your brother.
L-350 But I do know, I do know this, that God is here. And I know that He has given something to us, that we cannot explain it, only by the Word of God, claims that it should be here at this time. So, it also gives us identification to know that we're living in the last days. It gives us identification to know that this people, this chosen, elected, called-out, predestinated...
L-351 Now, that's a big word, predestinate, but we all know that it's the truth. We absolutely know that the infinite God predestinated all things by foreknowledge before the foundation of the world, even the Lamb was slain; and every name that would ever be on the Book, was put on the Book before the Book was ever written. Now how many knows that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
L-352 And Jesus came to--to redeem those that were in the Book. In the Bible, the Lamb came from behind the curtain, and taken the Book and opened the Seals that It was sealed with, for He came to claim all He had redeemed. He's the Intercessor now, an Intercessor making intercessions for those who He has redeemed. All whose name was written on the Lamb's Book of Life, is redeemed.
L-353 As I made a crude little statement the other night... I'm waiting for you all to get these handkerchiefs here. I'm not just trying to preach over again, but I said there was a little statement... I hope this don't sound sacrilegious, see. But like the farmer that set the hen, and didn't have enough eggs, so he got an eagle egg, and he set it under the hen and she hatched out an eagle. And he was a very odd fellow amongst all the chickens, because they didn't see things alike. But that's all he ever seen, was the hen. He only heard one voice, it didn't sound like his voice. Neither could he make a voice like the hen or the chicken. He didn't appreciate their diet, as they eat from the barnyard. There was something different about him, yet he didn't know what the difference was.
L-354 And then one day, there was the mother eagle that knowed she had layed so many eggs. And there was one of those eggs, which was to be her son, was missing. So she went hunting for him, and she found him in the barnyard. And she screamed. And when she screamed, the little eagle knew the voice of the mother. As Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice."
L-355 I think, last night, when I seen that panel of Baptists, Presbyterian, and whatmore, they might have been brought out under a hen. Excuse me, brother, see. But Mother knew She had Her darlings out there somewhere. So them men standing there, not disputing the feeding they had got from the mother hen, and so forth, but now they're eagles, you see, they fly for their food. See?
L-356 And I think the church is something like a scene I seen not long ago, coming down from Tucson, or from--from Phoenix, going to Tucson. I saw a mysterious sight. And it kind of broke my heart, to see what had taken place, how... a hawk, that used to fly in the air, a brother to the eagle, which is a type of the church.
L-357 And Jehovah is the Eagle. He called His prophets "eagles." He called Himself, Jehovah, "Eagle."
L-358 But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn't no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it's supposed to. But it sits on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He--he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He has lost his identification.
L-359 And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sits around. Instead of digging into the Word and find whether these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that's been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that's been killed somewhere else. Hops like a vulture! God help us to fly away from that.
L-360 These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them! They are true. I'm so glad to be associated with eagles.
Let us pray together for our sick ones.
L-361 Dear Heavenly Father, it is taught in the Bible that they taken from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons, and demons went out of people, and unclean spirits left them. Now, Father, me standing here over these handkerchiefs, represents every person that's present. It's the Body of Christ, us together. We are claiming, by grace and love, that we are here to represent His Bride, and believing, associate with Him in His Kingdom. And we know we're not Saint Paul, but we know You're still Jesus.
L-362 And we pray that You will honor the faith of these people. If they had lived back in the days of Paul, they'd have heard this same Gospel, seen these same things. Therefore, they're the same kind of people. You're the same God. So I pray, Dear God, that You'll honor their faith, like You did those in the Bible days. And may every demon power, every sickness, every affliction, that's bound the people that these handkerchiefs and parcels here represent, may that evil power of sickness leave them.
L-363 It was said, one time, that Israel was walking in the line of duty, to a promised land. And right in the line of duty, the enemy come and backed them up in a corner, and the Red Sea cut them off from the line of duty, and in their march. And God looked down from the heavens, through the Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared. It rolled back its waves, because God's waves was in the bottom of the sea. And It made way for His children, walking in the line of obedience.
L-364 Now, God, if the Red Sea would get scared, and roll back its waves, roll back its waters, and give place to a journeying children marching in obedience; Dear God, tonight, look down through the Blood of Your Son, Jesus, Who made the promise. And when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick bodies of the people, may the eyes of God look, and may that sickness, that devil, be scared and move away. And may the people keep the journey to the promised Land, with good health and strength. As Israel marched through the wilderness, there wasn't one feeble person among them, at the other end. May it be granted to these people, Father, for we send these handkerchiefs, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-365 God bless you, each one. As you get your handkerchiefs now, you believe with all your heart. Do you believe that God hears this? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? I, I want to say this. Don't, don't doubt, one bit. See, it may seem real strange. Excuse me, just a minute. Don't doubt, one bit. But believe now that, what we have asked, God gives.
L-366 Do you believe that's God here, knows the secret of your heart? You know and believe that's God? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now just settle your mind now, it can't be nothing else. See?
L-367 Now, what if there would be a great tomorrow, way years ago this will be history. And when people, in years to come, if it was to be such, they'd come and say, "Well, if I would have been living then, I'd seen that done, boy, that's all I would have had to know. I'd have believed it right then!" See, the same thing that you believe, if you had been back there when they done it then! Remember, it's still Him. It's His Life in you. God bless you.

65-0427 - Embassy Hotel, Los Angeles, CA (Paragraphs: 223 - 281)
L-224 Here is a woman that I--I've never seen. I don't know one thing about the woman. We're probably born miles apart, and years apart, and here we stand here tonight. We're strangers to each other. I don't know you. Now, I have no idea. Here, here is--here is Saint John 4 again, a--a man meets a woman. Now, I'm not Jesus and she is not that woman. But here is just similar. And He said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Now, I don't know. It takes this woman's faith to do it. I don't know nothing about her. But now if I have told that which is truth, then God is obligated to make the... say this is right. Now, not knowing you, if God of Heaven... [John 14:12]
L-225 And I have told the Truth. Do you believe that what I said about that is the Truth? You accept that to be true? [The sister says, "I believe it."--Ed.] You believe that? I wouldn't stand here before this Holy Bible and try to mislead someone, a man of my age, and know I've got to meet God yonder at the Judgment Bar. We've got to stand there, someday. We know that.
L-226 Now if God can reveal, to me, something in your life, that you know that I don't know nothing about, 'cause I don't know you. If anything, it would have to be something in your life. I would know nothing about it. It would have to be come from a supernatural Power. And then it would be up to you, what you thought the Power was.
L-227 And now to you newcomers. Now I hold my hand. Now, please don't walk around right now, 'cause, see, you're each a spirit. When I turn, you just feel like a--a pull from everywhere. See, you're--you're human beings and got spirits. And you are a spirit. If you're not, you're dead. So you just respect, just for a moment.
L-228 And you man here, pray. I wasn't expecting this, never come for this tonight, at all. I come just to pray for the sick. But that's the newcomers.
L-229 Now, do you believe that? If the Lord can tell me what your trouble is, or what you're here for, something you have done or ought to have done, or--or something else, then you will believe? All right, I'm trying to contact your spirit, you see. That's what I'm trying to do. Like He did the woman at the well, He talked to her a little bit, see, He was asking for a drink. And that's what I'm trying to do, is get your mind, not reading your mind; but trying to as He did, perceive your thoughts.
L-230 You're here for a stomach condition. You got a stomach trouble. That's right. Raise your hand if that's true. Do you believe now? Not only that, but you're hungering for something else. You want the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Wave your hand if that's true. See? I seen that Light move down on her, and then move back, see. Go and receive the Holy Ghost, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-231 Do you believe now, newcomer? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now you say...
L-232 Now here, see, when that anointing once gets started, then here It goes. See, just as soon as the woman standing, there she is, she is right now... She recognizes there is Something around her.
L-233 How many ever seen the picture of that Pillar of Fire, that Light there? At Washington D.C. See? Now I wish... It's another dimension, like. I'm looking right at It. There It hangs right here by the woman. I'm looking right at It.
L-234 Now, I'm a total stranger to this woman. I don't know her. And I doubt very much whether she knows me, only just by being out in the meeting. That's all. But if God can tell me something about you, or something like just a while ago, would you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? You'd believe that with all your heart? Well, may He grant it. You are, you're facing an operation, and that operation is about your hand. There is no places on them, but it's a nerve condition in your hand. That was caused by an accident, and you're supposed to be operated on. You believe, and you won't have, to be operated on if you'll just believe with all your heart!...?...
L-235 Just have faith now. Just don't doubt. Just believe. Now, here, let this one more woman, 'cause this woman is in a critical condition. You see that black shadow? How many ever seen the picture taken of the black shadow of death? It's hanging over the woman right now. If God don't help her, she can't live. She has a tumor. [The sister says, "Yes!"--Ed.] And the tumor is in the brain. ["Yes!"]
L-236 Dear God, if You're present so close now, that knows all these things, I pray, Dear God, that You'll heal our sister. Let her live, Father, for Your glory. I ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-237 How do you do? You're a mighty nice person. If mother had lived, she would a-been about your age, I suppose. She is in Glory, tonight. She would always pray for me when I went to meeting. I said to the Lord... [The sister says, "I'm eighty-five."--Ed.] Ma'am? ["I'm eighty-five."] Eighty-five years old. Bless your heart, sister.
L-238 Now, I am a total stranger to you, I suppose. We're years difference in our age. And I don't know you. I've never seen you. We're just two people met here on earth, but you are a Christian. You're a believer. Cause, the reason I know that, is the feeling of your spirit. You're, you've welcomed me, see. And I do believe it to be the Holy Spirit, 'cause it gives the works and actions of the Holy Spirit. See? And I know It's Him. I know this thing that we speak of is true. Now, I know it's the truth.
L-239 Now, I don't know what would be wrong. But if the Lord Jesus would reveal to me what would be wrong with you, would... you would know whether it was right or not, or tell me something that you've done, or ought not have done. You'd believe it was that same Lord Jesus, same God that could tell Philip where he was, tell Simon what His name was? Do you believe Him to be the same One?
L-240 Your trouble is a bowel trouble. [The sister says, "Exact."] That's exact. Isn't that right? ["Yes, sir."--Ed.] You believe me now to be His prophet? Your name is Mrs. Bayer, Mrs. Bayer; Bayer, like Bayer aspirin. That's right. You're healed. Go on, Jesus Christ make you well. God bless you.
L-241 You believe with all your heart? Now if you just have faith, don't doubt!
L-242 Now, you're really not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else. It's a man, and he's not here, a brother. That brother is in a mental institution. Take that handkerchief you got in your hand, while the Spirit is on you, send it to him. Put it on him, don't doubt, he'll come out of the institution and be well. Do you believe it? God bless you.
L-243 You say that, "You said, 'That Angel, in the last day there, He had His back turned.' Well, you look."
L-244 I won't look at this woman. I turn my back. Now, lady, the one with the patient, can you hear me, say "yes." [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] If the Lord Jesus will reveal to me what's your trouble, when I'm looking this way, you'll know whether it's the truth or not. Is that right? Do you believe then it's to fulfill what Jesus said, "It would be done in the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom"? Will you believe it? You have a lady's disorder, a female trouble. Believe with all your heart now, it'll leave and you can go home and be well. God bless you.
"If thou canst believe!"
L-245 Do you believe God will heal that heart trouble? Well, just keep on walking, saying, "Thank You, Lord!" Believe!
L-246 Get up of a morning, you can hardly move. Arthritis is a bad thing, but Jesus Christ is the Healer of arthritis. Do you believe that? You step off of a curb, sideways, going down. I see you doing that. You won't have to do that no more, if you'll believe. Do you believe that I was sent for this purpose? [The sister says, "I do."--Ed.] Then, in the Name of Jesus Christ, may it leave her. Amen.
L-247 You got stomach trouble. Do you believe God will let you go home, eat your supper, feel good about it? Go on your road, eat your supper, believe and you'll feel fine.
L-248 You have a weakness comes over you, that's right, because your heart is bad. That's right. You don't have it no more now. Go, believe it.
L-249 What if I didn't say one word to you, and just laid hands on you, would you believe me, too, that you'd get well? Come here.
L-250 Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal the woman and make her well, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-251 How many people here believe, how many of you newcomers, all you people?
L-252 Just think, and I can't hardly see the people coming now. Just remember, one vision caused the Lord Jesus to get weak. How many knows that? One woman touched Him. Daniel saw a vision and was troubled at his mind, his head, for several days. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? All right. [Luke 8:44-50], [Mark 5:25-34], [Daniel 7:15]
L-253 Now how many of you people believe that, that this is the Holy Spirit? Do you believe it with all your... Not me, now. The Holy Spirit! Now here is man sitting here that believe that, too.
L-254 Now some, now some more of you people that's got them prayer cards, I want everybody that is going to be in this prayer line, stand up to your feet, just a moment.
L-255 Look, I want to ask you a solemn question. Have you confessed all your sins that is there? You believe? Have you confessed, and you--you believe that you're going to be healed? You've confessed all your sins and made all the wrongs right? Raise up your hands, if you have, before God, you believe that. [James 5:16], [I John 1:9]
L-256 And now with your hands up, also, do you believe it takes the Holy Spirit, and this is the Holy Spirit that's just a vindicating Himself among you? You believe that with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] You do? Then every one of you can be healed.
L-257 Now do you have faith and confidence in these ministers sitting here? Do you believe them man, too? How about let's pray for you, each one, and then let you come by and lay hands on you.
L-258 This makes me so weak. That just go on like that, it just--it just gets me.
L-259 And I--I'm going to South Africa after this. For, oh, my, you know how it is down there where you can't even talk to the people. And there'd be... We're at least expecting three hundred thousand, one single meeting.
L-260 So you just believe! You're here in America, you've seen It in and out.
L-261 Dear God, these people are needy. And I don't know nothing else that You could do, Father, to prove to them by Your Word, that You're the unchanging God. I believe that we have seen so many great things, Lord, and ate from Your table, with such dainty, wonderful Eternal Food of Life, till we've become... and become too accustomed to It. It--it becomes a common thing. We're not, we don't approach It right, Lord, when we see. Even I think of myself standing here, I should be on my knees, knowing that right here that Spirit that raised Him up from the dead is standing right here. The Spirit was on Him when He was living here on earth, is right here now. And we, poor unworthy sinners, through His grace and mercy, He bought our lives. And here we are, today, carrying on His work, as He said that we would carry on His work. "The works that I do shall you do also." Promising these things and proving them, here in this world! Lord, I am so grateful to You, that I could be counted a part of the people of Yours, in this last day. [John 14:12]
L-262 Dear God, these people are standing. They're sick, Father. I have no way of healing them. And neither do You now, You've already healed them. You were wounded for our transgressions, with Your stripes we were healed. So, Father, I pray that each one of them passing through here, when we're going to pray for them, that they'll come like they were now walking under the cross. For they know, beyond a shadow of doubt, the a-vindicated Holy Spirit is here on the platform. The Christ of God is right in the meeting. Forgive every sin. Take away every unbelief. And may each of them be healed as they pass through this line. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. [Isaiah 53:5]
L-263 [A brother says, "Brother Branham, if we can have everyone sit, and take one section at a time, that way then they won't crowd."--Ed.] Yeah. All right.
L-264 Now I want to ask something. Will you, my brethren, stand here with me?
L-265 You see, here is one thing about it. Many evangelists goes into a city, and they do all the praying for the sick, and all the rest of it. And when the congregation, when it's gone, the--the--the people is only built around the evangelist, see. That isn't so, people. These man, I doubt anyone in this age... I know it, there is a lot of impersonation, but I won't say what I was going to. But these man might not do that, that's true, and I very much doubt it.
L-266 But they're just as ordained of God, to lay hands on the sick, as I or anybody else. God is just as much to answer their prayer, as He would be to any prayer there is. Jesus has commissioned, "These signs," didn't say will follow William Branham, Oral Roberts, so forth, "it'll follow them that believe." And these man are filled with God's Spirit. They are baptized people, with the same Holy Spirit. That Spirit was here doing that work just a few moments ago, He is still here. He is on each one of these man, see, and they're all filled with It. So I'm going to ask them to make a double line along here, on the sides of this row here, if they will, so that they can lay their hands upon the sick, too, as they pass through. [Mark 16:17]
L-267 And they want those who have prayer cards to stand, prayer cards only, to stand out in the aisle. And the rest of you pray, just a few minutes now. Stand, on each section, just stand right out to your left of your section. Stand out, to your section, and then they'll just call you. When you see this line up here ending, let this line walk right into it. When this line ends, let this one walk into it.
L-268 And when you come by now, remember, you'll just be taking a walk unless you're believing. How many of you know, you just feel in your heart, that you've prayed through about this, and you're going to be healed as soon as you pass through this line? Raise up your hand, say, "I accept it, Christ, right now, just because You commissioned these things."
L-269 Now I pray for every one of you. We're going to pray. I'm going to ask Sister Rose or ever who is at the organ over there, Sister Rose, will you please play, The Great Physician Now Is Near, for us. And let the people, all the other people, be in prayer. And as they pass through this prayer line, I believe every one is going to be healed. God bless you. The rest of you now keep your head down, and be praying for others.
L-270 Be real sincere. See, that's how that little Baptist preacher got the Holy Ghost, the other night. He was thinking about it, just sitting there, real sincere, and It fell upon the whole group of them. You got to be sincere with God.
L-271 Now He's proved He's here with you. He is here. 'Now when anybody tells you that this is just a bunch of excitement, you know better now, don't you, you newcomers? He vindicated Himself, it's Him. And no one else could do that. This hasn't been done for since the days of the apostles. It's just now come back to the church, as was promised. The Lord bless you now.
L-272 Now, you people, as you pass through this line, come, praying. Everybody now, "The--the great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Now when you come, come with your heads down, in reverence. Pass by. These men lay hands on you, you'll be healed. "... -est note in seraph..." ...?... That's all right. It's all right.
L-273 [] But, just a simple thing of obeying what God said do. I've seen it happen so many times. See, the Scripture didn't even command us to pray for the people, It just said, "Lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." [Mark 16:18]
L-274 Just recently, oh, it's... I don't say recently. The case was in my mind now. It's been about three or four years ago, or more. We was right here in California. Two women came by there, one of them had a--a--a growth on her face, and the other one had a stomach trouble. And they believed it just so. I layed hands upon them, and said, "Now, I do this in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
L-275 It was almost a month later. That lady was trying to eat, with that stomach trouble, she just couldn't do it. One morning, "a real cool feeling went over" her, she said, and she went to eat. And she run down to tell her neighbor, and her neighbor was shaking the sheets, like that, trying to find the growth that had left her face that night.
L-276 See, just believe, friends. If He does that for one, He'll do it for all. And it's just a simple thing of laying on of hands. And that's what He said do. We don't know how it works. I don't know how it works. It's just His promise. He said it would do it. And I've found tens of thousands, around the world, they just get well. God promised to do it, and it's His promise. See, we just believe that. [Mark 16:18]
L-277 Now, we're all coming over here. And you that couldn't get up, move right up close, and we're coming over to pray for you. Now I want each one of you man to go right along here, laying your hands in here, if you will, right along there. And I want to stand here and pray, and then come lay my hands on them, too. All right, get right in here. You all move right up close, so everybody can reach now.
L-278 Dear God, in Jesus Christ's Name, we're praying for these people, some of them are afflicted, crippled. There them hands of those ministers, Lord, are going back and forth from one to the other. I pray that You'll heal each one of them, Lord. Let the Holy Ghost come upon them people, each of them, Father. And may the great Power of God overshadow them just now, and may they go home and be well. Knowing this, that Jesus said, "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You promised it, Dear God. We are believing it. We are believing it, because You said so and we know that it's so, so shall these people be well. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless them all. Amen. [Mark 16:18]
L-279 God bless you. [Brother Branham and ministers lay hands on the sick and pray for the people.]
L-280 My heart accepts healing for every one of you. I believe that. Will you believe it with me, each one of you now? That's all. I told you the truth, just as far as I know it. I love you, and God bless you. And I--I believe, with all my heart, you're going to be well. And may my blessings be with each one of you now. May God watch over you and protect you. You're in my prayers. Will you pray for me while I'm in Africa like that? I--I love you. And I'll see you tomorrow night.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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